Stay Awake

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He is coming
Are you ready?

When the sky thundered roar
You know that it will rain sooner
Do you have an umbrella?

When thick clouds covered the sun
You know that storm lies ahead
Do you have a shelter to run to?

When the ground shook, vibrated
You know that bad earthquake is arriving
Do you have a strong fortress?

When the waves left out the shoreline
You know that giant tides will wash the beach
Do you have a lifevest to wear?

When the bomb explodes and bullet shoots
You know that the war has begun
Do you prepare your armour?

When the world seems to revolve uneven to was before
You know that the great change in your life is coming after

Do you have an idea what that great change is?

Look around, everything is constantly changing with huge gap in every second that passes

The diseases
The volcanic eruption
The burning of rainforest
The war in Middle East
The crime ratings
The gender issues
The increasing poverty
And so the list goes on...

The signs are flashing right in front of your face and you still have the guts to chill around, ignoring these, just to please your self-entertainment?

When twilight happens within the horizon and darkness follows
Do you have a flashlight to defend yourself from the shadows?

Same as when the sun sets, night follows
Are you awake?

Yesterday is different than today
And would you know it if today would be as tomorrow?


But then, let me ask you again,
Are you ready?

For He is coming

He is coming like a thief in the night!

That moment, His marvelous power shall be revealed
Eternal wrath to those who are sleeping
Eternal blessing to those who stay awake!

My friend, this isn't a joke
This is deadly serious
So when that night comes, watch out!
May your eyes be open

For today is not an excuse of tomorrow,
Be aware before it's too late

Stay awake, my friend
Stay awake!

For in that night, many will fall asleep and only few will not

I repeat, only FEW will not

So stay awake, my friend
Stay awake!

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1 Thessalonians 5:1-2

"Now concerning the times and the seasons, brothers, you have no need to have anything written to you. For you yourselves are fully aware that the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night."

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-Soulful Warrior

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