Chapter 9

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One week. It’s been a week since I first met Harry Styles, my next target. Everything happened so fast, we’ve been hanging out around everyday. He’s currently out of the country now, the band took off to Paris last night for some TV and radio appearances, I think. I’m not really sure coz I don’t really care about his job, I don’t ask him questions regarding his upcoming projects or anything. He’s always being asked about it in everyday basis, so why should I do the same? Is it weird that I’m thinking about what he feels? Nah, I’m just not interested in his star studded life.

 I looked at my watch and it’s 2.45 pm. Mrs. Franco would be here in any moment. I was supposed to see her today, but I don’t understand why of all the places to choose, she chose to meet me here in the bus station. What the fuck? I’m doing this big job for here and she can’t even treat me for a coffee?

 I lit a cigarette and started puffing. God it feels heavenly. I was always with Harry these past few days, which limited my habits. I’ve read that she hates girls who smoke and curse. And I do them both, hard. I’m a chain smoker, a heavy drinker, I can’t finish a sentence without using the word fuck and I curse even in small things. It’s strange though, because whenever I need to switch from being Kashia to Rhia, I don’t find it difficult. It’s like it just comes out naturally. Sometimes I wonder if it’s because I really have that “Rhia attitude” in me and I’m just denying or not letting it go. But then, I realized that I’m a professional killer, and that’s mainly the reason. I’m professional, and when it comes to work, everything comes out naturally. Yet I’m not fully sure if that’s the reason. Fuck this assignment. Ever since I got this, I became unsure of myself. I can’t wait for this to end.  

 A flashing black limo stopped in front of me. The windows went down and I saw Mrs. Franco, telling me to get inside the vehicle. I threw my cigar in the bin quickly, opened the door and sat in front of her. She’s wearing a crisp red dress.

 “Good afternoon Kashia.” She greeted me with her Italian accent.

 “Good afternoon, Madam.” I said politely.

 She smiled at me sweetly and handed me a magazine. I was confused but I took it. I was shocked with what I saw in the front page. It was me and Harry eating some cotton candy in the fair yesterday! 

 Has Harry Styles finally found love? (turn to page 4)

 I quickly turned the magazine and looked for the article.

 The member of the hottest boy band-- One Direction’s Harry Styles has always been spotted lately hanging around with a certain girl. Yes, that’s right, the same girl in every date. This is actually a surprise, for we always see him with different faces in different places. The lucky lady, whose identity is still unknown, was seen with Harry in various locations around London these past couple of days. They were spotted at the beach last Sunday, outside the recording studio on Monday, strolling at the park on Tuesday, and in the movie house on Wednesday. There are also photos of them having fun in the amusement park yesterday, before the band flew to Paris for their latest product endorsement. So we’re thinking, is Harry Styles not in the market anymore? And who is this mysterious lady? As we wait for further answers, we are giving you more photos of them! Dig in and tell us, do they make a cute couple?

 To add in my disbelief, I saw tons of pictures of us together. This is crazy! How did they manage to get those? I can’t remember seeing any photographer around! My face was all around this stupid magazine!

 “I love how you’re doing your job” Mrs. Franco broke the silence.

 “Excuse me?” I was still in the state of shock that I didn’t absorb what she’s trying to deliver.

 “Look at the pictures closely” And I did what she said. “Harry looks very happy with you. It’s a good sign, you’re going there, Kashia. He’s falling for you.”

 She’s right. Harry’s face looked so light and full of joy. And most of the times, he’s staring at me while I’m busy doing other things and not looking at him. I didn’t know he’s doing that…until I saw these paparazzi pics. And then there’s me, I seemed to be enjoying his company. I was all smiles, laughing, having fun with him in the pictures. But isn’t that the truth? I’m really having fun with him.

 I turned the mag to the next page for it says “more photos in the next page’. Wow. They also got us playing a game in the fair! It was last night, before he left for Paris. We went to a fair and started playing the silly games in there. He was really happy when he got lucky in the Water Gun Fun Game after 7 times of trying and won a huge Spongebob stuffed toy. He gave it to me, but I refused telling him I prefer Patrick more. To my surprise, he traded it for a Patrick Star stuffed toy and gave it to me.

 “I always wanted to win a stuffed toy for a girl. But it never happens. Just tonight. It’s really for you.” He told me while looking at me with those lovely green eyes. Before I could say anything, he kissed me.

 My eyes wandered to the bottom of the magazine and holy fucking shit! A picture of me and Harry kissing while I’m holding Patrick Star! Kill me. Kill me now.

 “Kashia, I really hope you’re going to finish this without losing your focus.” Snap! Back to reality, Kashia! Mrs. Franco is right in front of you!

I closed the magazine and looked at her calmly. “You don’t have anything to worry about, Madam. I won’t ever lose my focus. You will be satisfied in the end, I promise.”

 She grinned. “I’m just a little worried. Harry is such a charmer. It’s not hard for him to get who he wants. He’s hard to resist, am I right my dear?”

 Is she testing me?

 “You’re right, Madam. But I gave you my word, and my loyalty is with you. And besides, I won’t let Uncle Fabio down.”

 “That’s good to hear, Kashia. When I first approached Fabio for this matter, I asked for the photos of his female assassins, and I saw you. Beautiful face, foxy gray eyes yet charming smile, and a perfect body to match. Being the top earner and most skilled killer in his business was a plus.” She reached for the champagne and poured some into two glasses.

 “The moment I saw you, I know you’re the right person to do the job. And it looks like I’m right. Just a week and Harry is falling for you. I bet, after a month or two, he will be crazy about you. Just continue whatever it is that you’re doing. Did he tell you he likes you already?” she asked.

 I shook my head. “No, he’s not telling me anything. He just kissed me last night.” I replied.

 “How about sex? Have you guys done it?” Damn, does she really need to know?

 “Once.” Which is true, just once. That one night when he looked at my shots.

 “I see. I know that what I want you to do is really complicated, and it has dangers too, like it’s not impossible for you to fall in him. But Kashia, every time you fell that way, just think about my niece, Leila. Harry did the same things with her, but he left her, broken. Do you want the same thing to happen to you?” She handed me a glass of champagne, which I took.

 “No, definitely not.” I answered.

 “Of course.” She raised her glass. “Don't forget, Kashia. Harry Styles must die.”

 I smiled and nodded at her, but something within me feels heavy and wary.


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