Chapter 23

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I hailed a cab and gave him the address of Leila Russo's house. I just went out from the hospital where she was supposed to be confined, apparently she was already released three days ago. His doctors confirmed to me that she was sent there because of drug and alcohol abuse, but she managed to recover fast.

 My heartbeat hasn’t been normal ever since I landed here in Italy. I can’t help not to think about the possibility of Leila not listening to me. It would mean the end of the world for me I swear to God. I don’t wanna see Harry getting hurt, or much worse—dead.

 I was currently lost in my thoughts when Harry’s voice startled me. It’s my phone, he’s calling. I took a deep breath and tried to put my happy face on. He can easily predict my mood even if he’s miles away with just my voice. I don’t want him to worry about me, he’s been in too much stress lately because of his work and stupid writers who keep on saying the love triangle between me, Harry and Zayn was real. Pathetic people. It’s a good thing Perrie’s also in the same industry, she just laughed it off.

 “Hi baby, how are you?” Harry greeted me with his deep voice. God I miss him so much.

 “I’m fine, just wandering around the city. How bout you? Are you sleeping and eating right?”

 “Don’t worry bout me babe. I sleep and eat well, but I really miss you.” His voice toned down a bit. Aww, my poor Harry.

 “I miss you too babe, so much.” I replied.

 I can hear his smile from the other line. “I love you.”

 Those words can still get me weak in my knees. “I love you too Harry. So much.”

 “I love you more. Take care of yourself, ok? I gotta go, break is almost finished. I can’t wait to see you again.”

 “Me too. I love you babe, have fun.”

 “I love you lots! Bye Rhia.” He ended his call with a long kiss. Can’t help not to laugh, but I felt so light even for just a few minutes.

 I looked at my phone, staring at my wallpaper. It’s my favorite picture of me and Harry. I was sporting a goofy face—eyes crossed and mouth pouted like a baby waiting for a quick kiss, while Harry’s face looked really silly with his tongue out and wide eyes. Liam took it when we were all hanging around at his house. Everyone was a little tipsy, but our picture was so full of life and fun. Harry loves it too so much, he used it as his twitter icon.

“Noi siamo qui, Forte dei Marmi.” The cab driver told me with his native language. I looked outside and yeah, this is Forte dei Marmi, an exclusive beach community in Italy. It is like a Fire Island Pines or Malibu in the States.

 “Che è il palazzo Russo?” I asked him. I can speak a lot of languages, like a lot, my job requires to understand every language the world has to offer.

 “Quello! Con la porta verde” He pointed to the mansion with a green gate, telling me that’s where the Russo family lives. I gave him my pay and picked my bag.

 “Grazie” I thanked the driver before shutting the car door. I walked towards the gate, and there’s a small camera attached into it.

 “Buon pomeriggio, Sono qui per Leila Russo.” I said closely to the camera for I’m pretty much sure someone was monitoring it. I told him that I’m looking for Leila Russo.

 The speaker echoed a tough male voice, it’s the security guard I think. “Chi sei?”

 “Rhia. La signora mi ha mandato Franco” I have to tell them I know Mrs. Franco, coz if not, they won’t let me in. Rich people like them don’t trust strangers.

 The gate opened automatically and I started walking at the long bricked patio. The whole outdoor was covered with well-tamed bushes and flowers. There’s a huge water fountain in the middle, facing the mansion’s lavish brown doors. A woman dressed in a maid uniform was already waiting in the porch.

 “Buon pomeriggio signora, in questo modo si prega di” She bowed her head and gestured me inside the house. She told me to just follow her, which I did. We walked until we reach an outdoor pool, where she gave me refreshments and asked for me to wait.

 I didn’t drink the lemon juice she gave me, not because I hate it, but just because I’m being careful. You can’t easily trust anyone, maybe I’m just being paranoid but that’s me, that’s what my job taught me.

 A beautiful blonde with blue eyes dressed in a yellow khaki dress and flats went out from the door. She’s got tan skin, which doesn’t surprise me because she lives in the beach. Her hair was wet and wavy, like she just came out from water. She smiled right away upon seeing me, like she knows who I am. Honestly, this kid looks so sweet and pretty, no wonder Harry liked her.

 I stood up to greet her, but she talked first. “Hi! I’m Leila! Sit down please.”

 I sat down and she was staring at me with her brows crossed. “You’re Harry Styles’ fianceé right?” She asked excitedly. Wow, that’s not the reaction I’m expecting. I mean, she knows me and I don’t have any idea why, yet she doesn’t seemed angry, in fact she looked giddy. Is that a good sign?

“Yes, uhm, I’m Rhia.” I said. Her eyes gleamed and she let out a tiny squeal, and then she hugged me.

 “I’m so happy Harry found the right one for him. Now, what can I do for you?” She said after releasing me.

 Did I hear her right? She’s happy for us?

 “Uhm, Leila, I just wanna say sorry about what Harry did to you. He can be an asshole sometimes, but believe me, he didn’t mean to hurt and mess up your life.” I started with my reasons right away, for this is why I’m here.

 Leila looked surprised. She let out a small laugh. “What are you talking about?”

 Wait, what?

 “You dated him, right?” I asked, I’m really confused right now.

 “No I didn’t! I slept with him once though, I think it was around May this year, he was here for a vacation. It’s just a night, then we became friends. That’s it.” She explained to me in between laughs. So it’s just a one-night stand?

 She continued her story. “I’m 17 and I’m in the wild and carefree stage of my life, you know. I sleep with random guys, as long as they are cute, you know. But I didn’t date Harry, it was just a friendly sex. Did he tell you that we dated?” Leila asked me with curiosity.

 “You mean, you didn’t try to kill yourself because of him?” Her eyes bulged in horror upon hearing my question.

 “No! I didn’t try to kill myself, I haven’t thought that way! I might be a drug addict but I’m not suicidal!” She said sarcastically while rolling her eyes. “I just came out from rehab, I got addicted because of my friends, you know, peer pressure.”

 “Can I speak to Harry?” She demanded. “I wanna know why he’s making bullshit stories like this.”

 I shook my head. “No, it’s not Harry who told me those. It’s your Aunt, Mrs. Franco. Listen, Leila, I…” I looked up, thinking if I should tell everything to her.

 I exhaled loudly and decided to spill everything to her. “Leila, your Aunt approached me to kill Harry Styles, because she said he left you miserably. She said you’re in rehab and you tried to kill yourself. She hired me to get close to Harry so he would fall in love with me, then I’ll break his heart and kill him. I pretended to be another girl so I can accomplish it, but I fell in love with Harry. I can’t kill him, I just cant, he’s my life now.” A warm lump formed in my throat and my voice broke. I’m trying my best not to cry, but I can’t help not to shed a tear.

 Leila was shocked. She was just gaping at me, like she’s still absorbing every thing I said. She finally gathered herself together and broke our silence.

 “That’s not true. It’s not me who fell in love with Harry, it’s her.” She murmured.

 “What?” I don’t get it. Who’s her?

 Leila took a deep breath and looked at me with her sincere blue eyes. “My aunt, the one who hired you, she’s the one who got head over heels with Harry, not me.”

 You gotta be kidding me. 

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