Chapter 11

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“Yes, Uncle. It’s done. I’m in London now. Yes. I understand. Ok. Bye.”

 I returned my phone in my pocket and continued walking. My apartment is just a few blocks away from the train station, so I decided to just drag my legs in the sidewalk. It’s already 11 in the evening, yet the city is still alive. I can see The Eye’s lively lights. London is a really beautiful city, I could live here forever.

 My body feels so wary which was strange coz there’s no reason to feel like that at all. I mean I just killed my target with a single shot, no sweat. But pulling that fucking trigger took me more than two minutes. Not because the gun has a problem, it was me. All of a sudden I just can’t do it, I don’t want to do it. My hands were shaking like crazy, until I saw the knife tattooed in my right hand. The one that symbolizes my first kill. That’s the time I managed to get out from my stupid cloud of emotions and pulled the trigger.

 I can just return from Oxford tomorrow, but I decided to go back to London after finishing my job because I wanted to have a good sleep, hopefully.

 I reached the apartment building in no time, and as soon as I went out from the elevator, I saw someone curled up in front of my door. His face was buried in his arms, his hair was covered with a green beanie and there’s a huge bag beside him. My heart started to pound fast, I don’t have any idea who he is. I reached for the gun in my bag and tucked it behind my jeans, just in case.

 I walked carefully towards him, hoping to have a glimpse of his face. But I failed, his arms were embracing them and I think he’s sleeping. I knelt down in front of him, and that’s when I saw the tattoos in his arm. For God’s sake, it’s Harry! What the hell is he doing here? I thought he’s in Paris?

 I returned my gun back to my bag and gently shook Harry’s arms.

 “Harry….Harry…wake up.”

 He lifted his head and looked at me with his red eyes. He seemed so tired. His face has these marks from his arms. Poor Harry, he must have been here for too long. He gave me this weak but sweet smile.

 “Hey! Uhm, oh, did I just sleep? I’m so sorry Rhia.” He looked at his watch and was so shocked that he mouthed crap. I think he didn’t know he had dozed off.

 “What are you doing here? I thought you’re in Paris?” I asked him.

 “Uhm, we managed to finish everything earlier than expected. So I decided to go straight here from the airport.” He blushed a little. “I was here since 7pm.” He chuckled.

 7pm? He’s here since 7pm? I was just killing my target at that time and he’s already here! Jesus. I felt a little sorry for him. I stood up and opened the door.

 “Come here inside. You’ve been there for so long.” He obeyed and followed me instantly.

 “Why didn’t you call me?” I asked. He was sitting in the couch, removing his leather jacket. His eyes were puffy and he really looked exhausted.

 “I wanted to surprise you…so I didn’t call. I was thinking maybe you just went out with some friends and you will come back in no time. Well I’m right, you came back, you’re here.” He chuckled while combing his curls with his fingers.

 “You’re crazy. You should’ve gone home and visited me tomorrow instead.”

 “I can’t wait to see you. I miss you.” His soft green eyes caught mine. I fucking hate surprises, but this is sweet, and stupid. Who the hell will wait for hours outside? And to think that he just went out from a flight. I swear to God that’s one of the stupidest thing a person could do.

 I asked him if he had eaten and he shook his head. I ordered some pizza and while we were waiting for the delivery, I marched to my room to change clothes and to empty my bag.

 When I went out, Harry was already putting the pizza in the dining table. I grabbed some drinks from the fridge and we started eating.

 “Did you go clubbing tonight?” Harry asked me.

 No. I murdered a man who slept with another man’s wife.

 “No. I went to Oxford with Lex. She wants to see the city so I took her there.”

 He nodded his head. “I see. I thought she’s temporarily living here, where is she?”

 “She has a new boyfriend who lives a few blocks away from here, so she sleeps there sometimes.” My goodness. He loves torturing me with questions I swear.

 “Uhm, Rhia. Why were you drunk last night?”

 I spilled some drink in my top.  What happened last night was totally out of control, I was really in regrets first thing in the morning. Damn. I was so stupid to call him asking for a song. Could you believe it? I called for a fucking song! God!

 I didn’t know what to say. I just murmured “I dunno.”

 He stared at me, looking for clues I guess. He always do this, he always stares at my eyes like he’s trying to read my mind.

 “I was worried. I thought you’re outside and drunk. I was relieved when you said you’re at home. Can you still remember that you asked me to sing for you?” Holy frick, Harry. I’m drunk, I didn’t hit my head and got an amnesia.

 “Yeah, yeah, of course I remember. I’m so sorry if I bothered you last night, I tend to do stupid things when I’m drunk.”

 He grinned. “It wasn’t stupid. It was unexpected, but not stupid. You fell asleep right away.” He teased.

 I gave a small laugh. “Really? Never knew that. What was the song again?” I really don’t know what the song was, all I know was his voice calmed and soothed me to sleep.

 “You don’t know the song?” He asked surprisingly.

 “No, I don’t.”

 “It’s You Had me at Hello. Are you sure you’re not familiar with it? It’s one of the most popular love songs ever.” Harry explained.

 Well I don’t know a lot about love songs. Although there was this song my dad used to sing to my mom everyday, Grow Old with You. Whenever my Papa sings it, he would take my Mama's hands and they will dance slowly. After a few minutes, he will carry me and dance with me and Mama. Oh those memories.

 Harry was looking at me closely while I had a quick stroll from the past. His gaze makes me feel insecure sometimes, makes me think there’s something weird in my face. I bet he’s trying to read me. Well, news flash. I always have that poker face on, it’s natural for me.

 I stood up because I’m feeling really uncomfortable with the way he looked at me. Suddenly, I felt his warm arms wrapping around me behind my waist. He buried his face in my hair, letting me feel his every breath. It gave me strange chills, it was like I’m being electrocuted or something.

 “I love you, Rhia.” He softly whispered to my left ear.

 I didn’t know why I was shocked. Yes, this was the goal, make him fall in love with me. But still, I was surprised and I don’t have any clue why I’m feeling that way. At the same time, I felt happy. Damn, why am I glad hearing those words? Is it because of satisfaction that I’m slowly accomplishing my mission, or is it because I feel the same way too?

 Harry turned me around and looked at my face. His hopeful green eyes were glued into mine, searching for some response. I’m confused with what I’m feeling, I’m ecstatic to hear those three little words, but I’m not sure why. My thoughts were in daze and I don’t know what to say. Though my mouth managed to utter words I didn’t think I would tell to someone again since my parents died.

 “I love you too.”

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