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"Queen Elsa?" A voice murmured, bringing Elsa out of a deep, practically unconscious form of sleep. Her eyes started to open, bringing warmth to the room, seeing a black, fuzzy figure standing in front of her, at first she was startled and tried scrambling away until the man calmed her. "No, no. I won't hurt you." He soothed, laying a hand on Elsa's shoulder until her vision came into play. It happened to be Andrew, Hans' brother, from the other night at the dance.

"What are you doing in here?" Elsa asked, slipping out from under his arm and over to the other end of the couch.

"I should be asking you that. I practically live in here." He said, plopping down on the lounge chair near her but made sure he kept his distance. "I don't mind you being in here, it's not mine to keep hidden."

"I didn't mean to fall asleep," She muttered, and looked over to the windows. Sunlight blinded her for a moment before she realized how late in the day it had to be. "What time is it?"

"About ten o'clock... You must've been in here all night." He said, judging by the large stacks of books next to the lounge chair then the open one on the floor.

"I was reading then... I just fell asleep," She said, knitting her eyebrows together and tried to remember what happened last night. "It doesn't really matter to me. I just fell asleep reading." She said, and to her embarrassment her tummy grumbled loud, reverberating through her belly and made it obvious she was hungry.

"Would you like to go grab some breakfast with me? Mostly everyone is done eating now so we can go down there and not be bothered?" He suggested, standing up to go put out the fire that must've burned all night and was still desperately trying to hold on.

"Sure," Elsa nodded, standing up from the lounge chair and stretched her arms out wide.

They made their way downstairs to the dining hall, still hearing some people chatter but not enough to want to turn Elsa away. They clambered over to the buffet of food, picking according to their different tastes and decided to sit across from each other at the dining table.

"Food is always so good here!" Elsa smiled, indulging in her favorite breakfast food, bacon. "I've been to some countries where I had to just eat the food I brought. It was terrible."

"I'm glad we have good food here too. Makes guests like you happy." He smiled, pushing his brown hair back out of his face and noticed Hans coming into the room, looking worried out of his mind until his eyes set on Elsa. "Han-" He started, pointing over at Hans.

"Elsa!" Hans called out, practically screamed her name then remembered he was in front of a lot of people. "I, um-" He said and laughed awkwardly, making his way over to where Elsa sat with his brother. "Hey, Elsa!" He said once he made it over.

"Hi." She smiled, chewing on a piece of bacon before she said anything else.

"I was so worried about you last night. I hadn't seen you all day then you weren't in your bedroom." He said, taking a seat next to her at the table.

"I fell asleep in the library. Leo gave me a tour then I ended up staying in there for awhile until I fell asleep reading." She said, looking over to Andrew for a second. "Your brother found me sleeping, actually."

"I see." Hans nodded, he had been worried all night about her, and finally she was back with him. "Come with me whenever you're finished with your breakfast."

"I think you should eat too. You look famished." Elsa said, nudging a spare plate over to him so he could go to the buffet. He smiled at her and once again, wanted to kiss her but couldn't. I'll make up for later, Hans thought.

A/N: Just a fair warning, it gets a little steamy between Hans and Elsa but nothing too bad happens so if you're young, you're free to read it ^_^

After Hans and Elsa finished their breakfasts they went up to his bedroom, wanting the comfort of just having each other. It was perfect, tranquil even, laying in his massive bed with the canopy curtains shut and the blankets surrounding them.

"I missed you so much." He muttered, running his hand up and down her arm, feeling her soft skin and had the urge to kiss wherever he touched.

"I'm sorry for worrying you so much... I wasn't sure when you were going to be back so I picked up a few books to read." She whispered, feeling like she'd ruin the tranquillity if she would speak any louder.

"May I kiss you? I only ask because we're cuddling, and if you don't want to stop, we don't have to." He said, watching as Elsa sat up and straddled herself over him. Something changed in the both of their eyes, instead of this innocent love growing between them it became raw, powerful lust and neither of them could take it anymore. Hans grabbed Elsa at her hips, flipping her onto her back so quickly it made Elsa giggle. He leaned down to her neck, kissing from the bottom of her ear to the collar line of her dress, making Elsa squirm and run her fingers through his hair.

"What would you think if I made love to you?" He asked, taking Elsa by surprise but he didn't stop the torturous act of kissing her neck.

"Y-you haven't even kissed me yet." She stammered, feeling so overwhelmed in the most perfect way. Hans was kissing at her neck, she could even feel him pressed against her leg, making her only want him even more.

"I intend to, but first I'd like to make you want me. It'll make our kisses so much better, I promise." He said, pulling away from her neck and sat in between her legs, grabbing at the thin fabric of her dress. "Just relax." He smiled and watched as she nodded, taking comfort against the pillow and waited for what he would do next.

He pulled up the bottom of her dress all the way up to her underwear, bright pink ones, making Hans chuckle. He left the dress up near her belly, laying his hands on the inner part of her thigh to spread them apart even more. He began leaving light kisses, barely noticeable, at her ankles, making his way up her legs to her calves, making her squirm at his touch. He smiled to himself once he reached her inner thigh, first tracing her soft skin with his finger, stopping just at her underwear. Once he knew how much Elsa wanted him he started to kiss at her thighs, tracing it first with kisses then his tongue, noticing how Elsa seemed to stifle her moans.

"Hans-" She said, watching as this beautiful man kissed her legs then she realized what this could go to. Sex, or making love. She didn't want either. Sex is something just anyone could do together but to make love would turn her heart into mush, doing the unspeakable and make her fall in love with him. "Hans, please stop." She said, pulling herself away from him and pushed her dress down over her legs.

"Did I hurt you somehow?" He asked, sitting back on his knees and looked over at her. She looked so innocent and scared again, all of that lust gone in a second.

"No, not at all. I liked it actually... But," She stammered, unsure of how she wanted to word it. "Making love is so much. It's implying that the two people love each other and I'm so afraid of falling in love with you."

"I see." He nodded, looking defeated. An admiral, that fought in so many wars, could be defeated by her words. "I won't push you to make love, or have sex with me, but you shouldn't try holding back your heart. It'll sneak up on you then one day you'll realize you love me, then it'll be too late."

"How can you say that?" Elsa asked. He sounded like he had been in that situation.

"I say that because that happened with me. I loved you with everything then I lost you. I tried holding my heart back from loving you and that made it spiral out of control."

"Hans... I-" She started but cut herself short. "Nevermind."

"I'll change the subject then. Would you like to go into the flea market with me?" He asked, adjusting his collar on his shirt awkwardly. "There's things that are very neat. Little treasures you can take home with you to Arendelle."

"I'd love to." She smiled, pulling herself out of bed to go get dressed for the day and then meet Hans outside of the castle. "I'll meet you outside in a few minutes." She smiled and waited for him to respond over at the patio doors.

"I can't wait." He smiled and turned away from the doors to go get dressed himself and meet her downstairs.

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