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minho plop himself on the couch, sighs heavily. the fight between felix and him still lingering around his head. he sits up, put his two elbows on each thighs as he pushes his hair back and his bangs land on his forehead. he cups his face in frustration.

jisung is watching him from afar. his eyes are showing concern towards the elder. he doesn't like him looking so sad. if he is being like this, there is must be something going on.

the brunette's emotion changes when they have arrived at lunch. felix never leave so early but when he tells them that he got something to do, he can't help but respect. minho's eyes changes into sadness and angry when he sees his boyfriend watching felix walks into he building.

he walks across their shared apartment, takes a sit beside the elder. minho can feels his presence beside him but he ignores the younger, when he is stress about something.

the brown haired boy pulls the dancer on his lap and the dancer immediately hide his face on the crook of his neck. he sighs in relief as he feels the familiar warmth around him.

"what's wrong?" jisung caresses his hair gently. "you know you can tell me everything, right?"

minho sighs for the umpteenth times.

jisung tries to figure it out, "is it, about yesterday because of felix?"

the elder nods his head, jisung can feel his hair and nose brushes his neck as he moves his head up and down.

"what happened?"

this time, he pushes himself up and tells him everything from they went to the cave then the argument he had yesterday at noon. jisung just listening to him before he talks, "do you think he'll get suspicious? i mean, it's weird if you suddenly being overprotective"

Minho groans, "i don't know! i just don't want him- i-" he smacks his both palms with his face.

"hey, everything will be fine. trust me" jisung lifts his head up then leaves a soft kiss on the lips.

minho closes his eyes as he responds to the kiss. the kiss makes him calm a bit, jisung's lips never failed him. they break the kiss, resting their foreheads together.

silence engulf them until jisung speaks again, "you know, felix saw my necklace the other day"

"what did he ask?"

"about the necklace, of course. i told him it's an anniversary gift from you"


"he said nothing after that. anyways, he stared at it that long"

"he stared it because he also got one"

Jisung whipped his head, "what now-"

"the siren... gave it to him"

jisung stares his boyfriend in confusion and terrific. "what..."

"why do you think i become overprotective? that necklace is the reason why am i like this. we can't let this slide, ji. we must do something, we can't take for granted on this kind of situation. remember the previous one?"

"but w-what can we do about it..."

"anything for them to stay apart!"

jisung huffs, "well that's not a good sign"

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