
93 2 0

January 12th
9:30 am

*1/9 has entered the room*

???: Take a seat
?: Um, is this gonna take long? I really need to get to Pre Calc.
???: As long as you cooperate, this will be over soon.
?: I'm sorry, why am I here again?
???: Where were you the day of Ms.Jenn's death?
?: ...
???: Please state your full name.
?: Nina Salazar-Roberts.
???: You go by Nini correct?
Nini: Yes.
???: age?
Nini: 16
???: Junior year in high school, correct?
Nini: Yes.
???: What is your relationship with Ms.Jenn?
Nini: I was one of her students.
???: A big drama student, am I correct?
Nini: yeah!
???: What was your role in this year's musical?
Nini: I'm playing Gabriella!
???: Have you ever played a lead before?
Nini: No, this is my first time.
???: Were you on good terms with Ms.Jenn?
Nini: Yeah! She was one of my favorite teachers!
???: One more question, do you know who might have killed Ms.Jenn?
Nini: No, not really.
???: You're dismissed Ms.Salazar-Roberts.

*recording has ended*

*suspect has left the room*

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