January 14th
8:20 am*suspect has entered the room*
???: Nice to see you again Ms.Salazar-Roberts.
Nini: Did you find the killer?
???: No.
Nini: Oh.
???: Ms.Salazar-Roberts, where were you at the time of Ms.Jenn's death?
Nini: I was at the piano room.
???: You snuck away from the group?
Nini: I just wanted to clear my head.
???: So you went to the piano room?
Nini: Yeah.
???: Do you play the piano?
Nini: Yes.
???: And you snuck away to the piano room when you were supposed to be sleeping.
Nini: Yes...
???:Can anyone confirm?
Nini: ...
Nini: No.
???: So no one knew where you were at the time of Ms.Jenn's death.
Nini: ...
Nini: No.
???: You told someone you were going to the piano room?
Nini: No. Someone followed me there.
???: Who?
Nini: ...
???: Nini, this information is confidential. No one will hear it.
Nini: ...
Nini: Ricky Bowen.*recording has paused*
*suspect 1 has left the room*
*suspect 2 has entered the room*
*recording continued*
???: Mr.Bowen.
Ricky: Sup.
???: Where were you at the time of Ms.Jenn's death?
Ricky: At the piano room
???: With Ms. Salazar-Roberts?
Ricky: Yeah.
???: What were you two doing?
Ricky: Practicing for the musical.
Ricky: Reading lines.
???: What else?
Ricky: Practicing vocals.
???: Is that it?
???: Did you two talk?
Ricky: ...
???: this is confidential information. No one will know.
Ricky: We talked.
???: About what?
Ricky: Childhood memories.
???: Mr.Bowen, what was your relationship with Ms. Salazar-Roberts?
Ricky: ...
Ricky: We were dating, but then we broke up.
???: Why?
Ricky: ...
Ricky: She told me she loved me, and I panicked and asked for a break.
???: So you broke up with her?
Ricky: It was a break, not a break up
???: I see.
???: So you were not on good terms with Ms. Salazar-Roberts?
Ricky: ...
Ricky: We were... buddies.
???: Did anything else happen?
Ricky: ...
Ricky: Yeah.
Ricky: We almost kissed.*recording has stopped*
*suspect has left the room*

kalopsia | Rini ff
Fanfictionhsmtmts ff _____ kalopsia~ the delusion of things being more beautiful than they really are. _____ enjoy