Angsty Oneshot

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Three months ago, the Neverseen were finally defeated. But victory cannot occur without great loss. Linh died in the battle, after delivering the fatal blow that would cause the Neverseen's forces to collapse mere moments after her life ended. As expected, her loss sits heavy on the shoulders of her closest friends, but more so for her twin brother, Tam, than anyone else....

Sophie's P.O.V.

I sighed as my imparter vibrated. Too many people hailing me... apologizing. I wished they would just let it rest. It made it worse to think about it. But it wasn't a stranger's name I saw glowing on the screen.

"Tam?" I picked up the imparter and repeated the name. His weary voice responded.

 "Yeah. Tam."

 "How are you?"

He sighed. "My sister just died, Sophie. How do you think?"

"Sorry... I shouldn't have said anything. Why are you hailing me?"

 He took a deep breath.

"Without Linh, there's nothing for me... here. I'm... I'm going to Linh. Tonight. Don't tell anyone, and don't try to stop me."

 I was speechless.

 "Tam, you can't just-"

 "Yes, I can, Sophie. And I'm going to."

 He hung up without another word.

I couldn't identify my feelings as his face disappeared, but I did know that, regardless of what he said, I was going to stop him.

Tam's P.O.V.

I shivered as the cold night air swirled all around me. I was back at Choralmere, much to my dismay, but it was the best place to do it. Sophie won't come looking for me here.

The highest tower in the massive structure contained a leapmaster, but I wasn't planning on leaping. I was planning on jumping. I looked down. Big mistake. The world was spinning, now, and I could almost hear Linh, somewhere in the distance, telling me to stop... Wait, that wasn't Linh's voice....

I whipped around and, surprise surprise, there was Sophie, running full speed across the room towards me.

"I'm sorry, Sophie!" I told her, and I could feel hot tears running down my cheeks. Then I stepped back, and fell.

"TAM!"  Sophie screamed,  and went launching over the edge after me.

 My mind was chaos. No. No no NO! It wasn't supposed to be-

I reached for her and she reached for me, the ground getting closer all the while. The second her fingers touched mine, she tore open the void. We both landed softly in front of the house. I tried to get up, but found myself unable to move.

"You're so stupid!" Sophie yelled, pinning me down. Her face was wet with tears, her hair slick with sweat.

I shook my head. "There's nothing for me here," I repeated. "I just want to be with my sister." My voice cracked, and I could feel the tears coming back. Sophie's eyes softened.

"Would she want you to do this?"

 I shifted uncomfortably. "No," I said quietly.

Sophie released me. "Then don't. Please."

I nodded, sitting up. The tears were back now, silently flowing, as if trying to pretend they weren't there. Sophie reached up and brushed them away.

She reminded me of Linh, in a way... But it was a little different.


She looked up. "Yeah?"

"Thank you."

She smiled, wrapping an arm around my shoulders and pulling me close. I realized then how tired I was. Slowly, I drifted off to sleep, and with Sophie there next to me, the night didn't feel so cold.

Sophie's P.O.V.

When I woke up the next morning, I didn't have a clue as to where I was. I opened my eyes, thinking maybe I had fallen asleep by the panakes again. I let out a squeak when I saw Tam's sleeping form next to me. Everything came flooding back and I sighed, watching his chest rise and fall with every breath. He was alive.

I sat up and leaned over him, then hesitated. Was it time? I shrugged and kissed his forehead. He needed it, after all her been through.

A few seconds later, his eyes fluttered open, and they were full of surprise. "Sophie?"

I smiled.

"Did... did you just kiss me?"

I blushed and looked away. "I... yeah, I did."

He was silent for a moment before whispering, "Do it again."

I looked back at him. He looked helpless, afraid. I had never seen Tam like that before. Not even right after Linh died. I gave him a second little kiss on the forehead.

"No," he said, sitting up. "Like this."

He took my face in his hands and gently pulled me closer until our lips touched. My eyes widened, but I didn't pull away.

I felt tears on my cheeks, but whether they were mine or Tam's, I wasn't sure. When we pulled apart at last, we just stared at each other, until I reached out to him and hugged him, holding him tight.

In that moment, I didn't want to let go, ever. He had to know he still had love in this world. I was going to make sure of it.

Our friends would eventually come looking for us, and find us and take us home, but until then, we would sit there, and cling to each other and cry.


If you didn't cry or at least get choked up during this chapter, you're not human. Even I do, and it's my writing!

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