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I'm woken up with a loud bang and my bedroom door swings open. Dad has a scowl on his face and then he starts screaming.

"You useless piece of shit! I told you, if you're going to go anywhere later, you are going to have this house clean before you do!" he slams his foot on the floor, making a thunderous sound that for a moment made me think that he'd actually put a hole in the floor.

I immediately jump from my bed and can feel my heart pounding in my ears. Every second feels extended.

"Get your pathetic ass down those stairs!" he throws whatever object he had in his hand, I didn't even notice. It wasn't glass. So at least there's that.

I rushed down the stairs to get to cleaning whatever I could find that needed cleaning. I started with the dishes, but as soon as I got the water on and soap on the sponge, he was screaming in my ear again.

"Why do you insist we live in a pigsty? What are you ever going to do with your life if you can't even..." he goes on like this for a long while, but I mostly tune him out. Anything I respond is only going to make it worse. He will continue to scream at me. Hopefully it will stay at that. I try to keep my mind on the dishes as much as I can. I have already promised myself that today is going to be a good day. If I just let it fade into the background, I can just pretend it never happened.

As the dishes dwindle, my father's rage only grows. When I am finished with the last of the dishes and turn to go pick up the living-room, that's when the first impact comes. He hits me in chest with his fist as I walk by him. It knocks the wind from me completely. I fall to the ground and the next one was a kick to the back of the head. That's when the lights went out.

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