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When we got to the bus station, Billy said his goodbyes and wished us luck. He made it a point to tell Joel multiple times that if they needed him they would call, but Joel looked a little on edge for some reason.

We all filed into the bus station, our bags in hand. V and Joel ended up cuddling on a bench in the far corner of the grungy bus station. Benji and I ended up hitting the vending machine for drinks to take on the bus with us. I have a drink in my bag, but it's always nice to have a spare. Then people started forming a line outside for the bus, so Benji gestured to Joel and they joined us as we headed outside.

When the bus finally showed up, it was clear that it was going to be a packed trip. I pull my phone out of my pocket and check the charge. 82%. That's doable. These busses always have outlets anyway. We all agree to let V and Joel sit together, Benji and I will take the seats behind them.

"You can have the window seat." I tell Benji as we head to the back of the bus.

"You sure?" he glances back at me.

"Yeah, I honestly prefer the outside. I hate asking people to move every time I have to pee." I could barely catch his smile before he turned his head.

We settled into our seats with our bags under our feet. The trip would be about 5 hours, so we all brought stuff to keep us entertained. Benji and I ended up listening to music in one ear, and talking about the recent state of the music industry.

15 mins later

"Okay but he's really not like that. Can I just show you? I promise you will dig the shit out of this guy."

"You're really gonna go this hard. Fine. I will listen to the damn guy." I hand him one of my headphones and I put one in my own ear. He takes it and smiles. Us music nerds all know that this is a true bonding moment. Sharing headphones is like some sacred ritual for us.

When the music starts playing, I get into it really fast. How does this guy barely know me, yet completely gets my taste in music after like, an hour?

This leads us to continue sharing music. Song after song. I didn't sleep much due to my father's antics, so eventually I ended up falling asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2020 ⏰

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