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The rest of the night was a blur for Bailee - sirens, gurneys, and cold hospitals flashed through her mind when she woke up wrapped under JJ's arm in the Chateau on the pullout. The sun streaked through the windows and a small bird was chirping outside of the window, almost as if nothing had happened. Bailee looked around to readjust her vision fully before plopping back down on the worn-out mattress. Streams of old mascara were dried under her eyes from last night.

"You're finally awake," JJ whispered, causing Bailee to jump slightly. "They kicked us out of the hospital last night because we aren't family, plus I didn't want to deal with cops... I was going to ask if you wanted to go back when you woke up, but now that you are it's up to you."

Bailee sighed contently as JJ's heartbeat pressed against her ear and his breath tickled her neck. She stayed like that for a short minute before looking up at JJ with wide eyes.

"I say we see if John B's okay. I bet Sarah's still there, too, and I should probably check on her. Having her boyfriend push her other boyfriend off a railing has gotta do something to your mind." Bailee said as she resisted a yawn.

"C'mon, sleepyhead. We can get you coffee at The Wreck or the hospital after we check up on John B's state." 

JJ sat up in the bed as Bailee groaned. She stretched next to JJ and gave him a small kiss on the cheek. "Let me brush my teeth and put a change of clothes on that isn't my dress," Bailee called to JJ as she walked out of the living room and towards the porch.

She quickly used the toothbrush she had left there for when she stayed over, slipping off her dress and replacing it with JJ's cut tank, jean shorts, high tops, and readjusted her arm of bracelets. When she walked out of the Chateau, JJ was already in the driver's seat. She hopped into the passenger's side and pulled on the seat belt hanging from the side; the engine started and JJ pulled out of the grass.

"Do you think he's awake yet?" He says, his hand shaking against the wheel, "I'm just nervous, I guess. What if he doesn't make it out? It's a three-story drop. He could be in a coma, or he could just not wake up. What if he's got brain damage or-"

"JJ." Bailee softly leaned over the center and put her hand on JJ's shoulder. as they were stopped at a red light. "He's gonna be okay. It's John B, right? He could live through anything, especially with the motivation of a good treasure hunt."

JJ placed his larger hand over her as he made a right hand turn when the light changed, laughing slightly. The rest of the ride was filled with comfortable silence and occasional glances each threw towards the other, and when JJ pulled up to the hospital, he looked to Bailee.

"Do you know where he is?"

Bailee thought about her response for a moment before saying anything. "Since he's most likely not discharged because of how bad his fall was, I'm not saying he's in a coma or deadly hurt," Bailee added quickly, "I'd say he's in the ICU. Turn here and then make a left."

JJ's hand stayed interlocked with Bailee's until he parked the car in the hospital lot and opened his door. She was fumbling with her seatbelt, so JJ rushed over to open her door before she could.

"JJ? Being a gentleman? I am in the correct universe, yes?" Bailee questioned jokily, which made JJ's mood lighten as he held out his arm for her mockingly.

"Why, of course, your highness." JJ's terrible posh accent was ruined by the two's laughter.

They walked into the building to where the reception desk was. Bailee looked around for DCS or Sarah, but both were nowhere to be found. The person at the desk's fingers were tapping furiously at the keyboard with the phone between his ear and his shoulder. He looked at the two, who were obviously not hurt at the moment and didn't go straight to the E.R. or a doctor.

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