Daydream 18+

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You groaned softly shuffling around in your bed giving a soft sigh, you moved your head up from your pillow tapping the top of your bed frame trying to silence the beeping of your alarm clock.

It was 6 am on a Monday morning your usual wake up time or at least it was. You had spent the past two weeks in suspension due to you overhearing something and with your temper you might've slightly overreacted. You heard a knock at your door as you saw your mother stood there holding your uniform "come on (Y/N) its a beautiful day to go back" she spoke softly setting your uniform on the desk opening the curtains revealing the morning sun you groaned.

"Do i have to" you spoke sitting up brushing your messy hair back taking a few minutes to wake up. She nodded "of course you do, you cant sleep all day and you need to get back to your boys remember" she spoke pointing to a picture on your desk making you smile.

It was you in the middle of the Shiratorizawa volleyball team, you had been the manager ever since you started and had tried your hardest to make sure they succeeded, seeing the picture gave you a buzz of energy so you waltzed off to the bathroom whilst your mother went to make you your favorite breakfast.

You weren't a dorm student as your mother and you didn't see any point you lived ten minutes away from the academy. You didn't mind it at all you usually hated socializing and hated leaving the comfort of your room however that changed when you bumped into the boys team. They were an odd group but within time you fit in they were like family to you however you usually struggled with one man.

Ushijima Wakatoshi. It seemed sometimes you could get a slight smile out of him and other times he was cold however you couldn't deny it made the man more mysterious and charming. He never let any harm come to you, whilst showering you reminisced about some memories you had in the group from after school practices to karaoke parties, you couldn't wait to see them all properly again.

Finishing your shower, you glanced at the time "almost seven" you spoke quietly to yourself washing your face peacefully. You heard multiple dings from your phone giving a smile, you didn't even have to look to know it was Tendou he was the only one who spammed you.

You gave yourself a puzzled look in the mirror as he was usually awake later than most the group, you finished cleaning yourself up drying your hair before getting changed into your clean uniform. It was weird to wear it after two weeks of your comfort clothes but you had slightly missed it. You double checked your bag making sure you had everything for the day checking your phone, your eyes widened when you saw Ushijima had messaged you.

farmer boy

- Your suspension should be up today. I cant wait to see you.

You blushed softly it was rare for Ushijima to message anyone. You knew he would rather just sit in silence thinking about plays or strategies to use you gave a soft smile feeling butterflies in your stomach, you had a crush for the man but luckily only one person had figured it out but unluckily that person was Tendou and he loved to tease you about it. Daily.

best manager going

- Me neither. I missed it a lot :3

You scrolled through Tendous messages laughing softly. He was always a ball of energy and you loved it, you could never be upset around the red head.

spikey hair

- Hey (Y/N) chan it's gonna be great seeing you !

- I even woke up early for this.

- Be proud.

- Answer me !

- Stop ignoring me !

Daydream (Ushijima Wakatoshi x reader)Where stories live. Discover now