Chapter 25: The Elite's Knowledge

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Once Kirby & the Elite Octoling returned to Octo Valley, Kirby began talking.

Kirby: Well, we're here. Now I want answers to my questions. First of all, who are you? I haven't known your name throughout this entire journey.

Elite Octoling: You could've just asked me that during our first encounter.

Kirby: Well, you never really gave me a chance to ask any questions the first time.

Megami: Fair enough. My name is Megami, and I am one of the commanders of DJ Octavio's Octoling squadrons.

Kirby: Alright Megami, how did you know that I'm not from this World? And how did you know about MY World?

Megami: Well, we learned that there were other Worlds unlike ours. We searched the distant Worlds until we found one unlike the rest. A star-shaped World that gave off a strange, glowing energy.

Kirby: Planet Popstar...

Megami: We decided to investigate Popstar further. And during our investigations, we found you. You gave off an energy unlike anything we've ever seen. That's when we decided that we had to bring you here.

Kirby was both upset and confused upon hearing Megami's response. This mix of emotions brought a new question to Kirby's mind.

Kirby: How exactly did you bring me here?

Megami: Simple. We created a special pipe, capable of linking two Worlds to one another. And once we found out that you were here in this World, DJ Octavio sealed the pipe shut. So I'm afraid that means your stuck here until DJ Octavio says.

This made Kirby more upset. But despite his anger, he asked Megami another question.

Kirby: And what does DJ Octavio want with me?

Megami: The reason DJ Octavio wants you captured, is so that we can use your powers to conquer Inkopolis. We learned about your special Copy Abilities and decided they could be very useful to us.

Kirby: I would NEVER join the enemy!

When Megami heard Kirby's response, she countered it with a question of her own.

Megami: Really? Not even if it were to save your friends?

Upon hearing Megami's question, Kirby stopped for and began to think. During the time Kirby was thinking, Megami spoke.

Megami: And now you're quiet. What's the matter Kirby? Beginning to regret making friends in this World?

After Kirby took the time to think, he replied to Megami's question.

Kirby: I meant what I said earlier. I would NEVER join the enemy! Not even if my friends lives were at stake! I know that I can rescue them when they're in danger. Because I know, deep down inside my heroic heart, Good will ALWAYS triumph over Evil.

Hearing Kirby's response came as a shock to Megami. She expected to make him worry, but she only seemed to encourage him.

Megami: I must say, I didn't expect that kind of response. My expectation was that you would begin to question your choices.

Kirby: Funny how these kinds of questions surprise you in the end. You expect one thing, and end up with something completely unexpected.

This made Megami begin to question herself and her choices. She had never expected this kind of scenario to occur. From there, Megami asked Kirby another question.

Megami: Alright then Kirby, answer me this. What happens if you leave after your victory?

Kirby thought of Megami's question and gave his response shortly after.

Kirby: Easy. I go back to Popstar, and everything returns to the way it was before I came here.

Megami: But what if everything is different when you return?

Hearing this new question, Kirby thought back to when he first came to Inkopolis. He was confused, but he learned about his surroundings and managed to adapt. Thinking of this, Kirby replied as easily as he could.

Kirby: Then I learn about what's happened, and I adapt to my surroundings.

This response caused Megami a small amount of confusion. Nevertheless, she replied to his response.

Megami: I see. Well Kirby, are there any further questions you need answers to?

Kirby thought for a brief moment and replied.

Kirby: I do have one more question. What do you plan to do now?

Megami: I'm not fully sure...

Kirby decided to give Megami a suggestion.

Kirby: Well, I do have one suggestion as to what you can do.

Megami: Alright then. What is your suggestion?

Kirby: Take the time to turn over a new leaf. It may be hard at first, but trust me. If you just try to turn over a new leaf, things will ultimately be a lot better.

Megami thought of Kirby's suggestion, and asked him one last question.

Megami: But if I were to start over, where should I try again?

Kirby: Well... I don't know much about this World, but I do know that Inkopolis is a great place.

Hearing Kirby's response, Megami thought about what her life would be like in Inkopolis. It made her feel better than she had felt before.

Megami: Then I will start over. I'll make a new life for myself.

Kirby: Then I wish you the best of luck Megami.

Megami then thanked Kirby and wished him luck.

Megami: Thank you again Kirby. And good luck with your final battle.

After wishing each other the best of luck, Megami began to leave Octo Valley and head for Inkopolis, while Kirby prepared for his final mission in Octo Valley.

Kirby: Alright then... No more wasting time. I have a fight to prepare for...

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