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    "So how're the boys doing?" I asked Zoë while Kelly and I were cuddled on the couch in the backyard. It was a lovely day today, and I really needed a mimosa or three. Zoë settled for a virgin mimosa (which contained orange juice and flavored sparkling cider). It was only ten minutes close to noon, and the kids were in the playroom. Once they were in there, Noah and Nala act as if we didn't exist.

    "They're doing well. Max is fifteen and Khalil is seventeen. Time definitely flew since you've last seen them," Zoë spoke. It has been three years so I'm sure they've grown into their features. "I'm glad that both of them are excited with the new baby on the way."

    "Hmm, yeah, about that. Are you going to tell Summer? I think she has a right to know," Kelly asked while placing her glass on the coaster. The liquor was starting to catch up to her for sure. Her speech was a slurred and her eyes were become heavy.

    "I agree, she does." I added. To me, Zoë was starting to grow irritable and uncomfortable with this conversation. It needed to be done, for Zoë could just leave and not inform her oldest child about her little sibling. 

    "When the time is right, I will. But I'd appreciate it if you both stayed out of my business." Zoë coldly stated. This was bound to happen. Looking at my wife, she rose up from her position and sobered up – very quickly.

   "I don't mean to intrude Zoë, but Summer is my business; correction, our business," Kelly held my hand as I rubbed hers with my thumb. "I care for her as much as you do. I'm your best friend looking after your kid, who you gave up on. Yes it is apart of being a godmother, but I became her guardian when you just left her in the dust. Summer is a great kid, you know that. I know that. And so does Adrienne. But you need to realize that you left her in the dark, starting a new life and a new family, without your own. So please, don't try and tell me anything about business, when I'm handling yours."

    "That's it, I'm out of here." Zoë stood up on her two feet and walked away. A part of me wanted to see if Zoë was okay, but another part of me just wanted to calm down my wife. Getting up from my seat, I heard Kelly sniffle.

    "I didn't mean to be rude, okay? It just hurts me because Summer doesn't deserve this. She's endured enough."

    "I know, babe. You've got to understand that Summer is a fighter — a warrior. She pulled through her dark days and she strived to the very top. We should be proud of her. She makes us proud for sure," Using the tissue next to her, Kelly wiped her eyes. "I'm going to check on Zoë, I'll be back." Nodding her head, I left to see where she went.

     Heading into the living room, I saw Zoë eating  chips. My chips. Making a mental note to get some more, I sat next to her. Shifting over to the couch, I mimicked her. As she was getting ready to stand up, I pulled her back down.

    "Stop it, Adrienne."

    "No, we need to talk. I'm sober, but your best friend? Not so much." Scoffing in disgust, Zoë rolled her eyes. I had to be mindful of what to say, as she was pregnant too, and I didn't need anymore waterworks.

    "I get where Kel was coming from, but hearing those things was like ripping a bandaid off of your skin. I hate the fact that I live with this internal guilt of leaving her with you guys. She's in good hands for sure, but once I left, I never came back. I know she hates me."

    "I don't think she hates you, Zo. She's got different emotions when it comes to you. One minute she's sad, then the next she's angry. I know it was overwhelming when you saw your daughter on that hospital bed, hooked up to various machines. Summer is feeling left behind; you told that you'd come back for her and you failed her. I'm being honest with you because I love you and your daughter, but what you did was selfish," Zoë leaned forward into her lap, and started to cry.

    "When she comes back, you seriously need to talk to her. In her mind, she's already lost two parents. Her father isn't here physically anymore, and she has one living parent left. Explain to her why you did what you did, and tell her the news,"

     "Okay," Zoë muttered.

     "Seriously Zo, you need speak to her and be honest with her. You're a great mother, but it's time repair the relationship with Summer or your new baby will end up just like her. I'm serious." Zoë nodded her head.

      "Thanks for being a great friend, I don't know what I'd do without you." Zoë leaned into me and gave me a tight hug. Returning it back, we released one another and went to the backyard. Sitting in our respective spots, the tension was a little thick.

     "Kel, I'm sorry for being rude. I know you meant well and how much you care for Summer," I smiled at how Zoë genuinely apologized. Looking at Kelly, she was drinking her mimosa.

      "Yup," my wife said, while popping the p. Nudging her arm, she looked at me and rolled her eyes.

     "Fine," Kelly groaned. "I apologize for what I said before. I love Summer like she's my own, and I just want her to remain happy, that's all."

     "I understand and that's why I chose you to be her godmother. You love her as much as I do."

    "Speaking of godmother, Adrienne, you're a great example to your children to Summer, so with that being said...will you be my baby's godmother?"

    I was shock. I was excited. Now I wanted to cry.

     "Aww babe," Kelly gushed.  

      "Yes Zo, absolutely. Thank you." Hugging her, I felt Kelly's arms wrap around mine.

    "I love you guys, so much." Kelly spoke. She was definitely drunk and it was so entertaining seeing her like this.

    "We love you, too."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2020 ⏰

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