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      The bright morning sun beamed through my bedroom's cream colored satin curtains. It was a warm Sunday morning and usually my family and I would go to church. Services started at eleven in the morning, so with two children and a grumpy but developing adult, it was hard to get out of the house on time. Last night was emotional for both Summer and I.

Anticipating to turn around to see my wife's face, I noticed that she wasn't next to me. Her spot was cold and I furrowed my eyebrows thinking of where she could possibly be. Checking my cell phone, it was a little after nine thirty. Usually I'm the first one to be wide awake by eight, just praying and meditating around my home. It gave me a peace of mind, asking God to protect myself, my family and my home.

     Yawning and stretching my body, I decided to look for Adrienne. Glancing at her nightstand, her cellular device was still charging. Getting out of bed, I pass by Summer's room, seeing my wife sleeping next to her. The sight melted my heart. Apart of me wanted to see if they were okay, but both of them looked comfortable. Heading towards my children's rooms, I heard footsteps behind me.

     "Morning Aunt K," Summer smiled. Usually she would sleep in a little longer, but I didn't question it. She was just like Zoë; always had a smile on her face. Walking closer to her, my arms wrapped around her upper body. "Can I borrow the car for a few hours?" She asked. I trusted her with driving my Infiniti Q50, for she wasn't a speed demon unlike me.

"Sure, where are you going this morning?"

"Oh, I'm going to church," Releasing the hug, a surprised expression had to be on my face. Not once have I ever heard Summer talk about attending church. She would usually stay home when Adrienne and the kids I went. This was all new to me. On the inside I was jumping for joy. My baby found the LordT.

"Since when did you start going? Not that I'm judging you or anything but I never heard you talk about church,"

Summer released a subtle chuckle from her mouth, "Well, I started going about a year ago. I didn't tell anyone because I wasn't sure if I'd really like it, but honestly, I can't live without going," A year ago?! "And before you ask, I'm a little better to attend service. I've been going to with a friend. She's a preacher's kid, and she would usually pick me up when guys are at church, but today I'm gonna drive."

"What time does service start?" Her shoulders slumped in a downward motion.

"Why?" She asked arching her brow, while having a skeptical tone in her voice.

"Just answer me, chile..."

"Okay fine, it starts at 11:30. Also, I go over to her family's house for Sunday dinner."

"To think I thought you started to hate my cooking." Summer never turned down my meals, but it all made sense.

"Very funny, but no, I just hang out with my friend and her brother."

"Alright, and what is your friend's name?"


"Halle what?" She groaned. I found this amusing.

"Halle King, and if you want to know her brother's name too, it's Jamal. Now – can I please go to the bathroom?" Summer was pretty annoyed.

"Yeah you can go," I murmured. Her going to church wasn't my main concern. My thing is...why didn't she ever come to church with us? Walking to the bathroom, I softly knocked on the door.

"Come in." She announced. Opening the door, Summer was in the process of washing her face. Thinking of how to ask her this specific question, I didn't want to seem like I was intruding but it was something that I just needed to know.

"Can I ask you something? Be honest with me,"

"Sure. What's up?"

"Are you ashamed?"


"Of me and your aunt. You know, being gay."

Summer turned around and scoffed, "And why would you ask that?"

"You don't attend our church, but you go to a different one. Not once have I ever heard you talk about attending church, so I'm starting to think that you are embarrassed because of my sexuality."

Rolling her eyes and washing the cleanser off her face, the energy in the bathroom was starting to change. I just needed her to be honest with me. This was all I asked from her.

"To think that I'm ashamed of you is ludicrous. No I am not embarrassed because you're gay. I don't attend your church because there's old judgmental people that always have something to say. You may not hear or see anything, but I do. The one time I visited your church years ago, all eyes were on me because they saw me sit next to you and Aunt Adrienne,"

Picking up her facial moisturizer, she applied it on her bare face. "Where I go, it's different. I don't feel judged at all. The congregation welcomes me with open arms, and they're genuine. Now with your church, they are the reason why my age group doesn't strays from the church. We're expressive young people and it's not pleasing to the older generation," It all added up now. I was oblivious. "Like I said, I am not ashamed or embarrassed or whatever you're thinking when it comes to your sexuality. I love seeing you happy, and same goes for Aunt Adrienne."

It was that time of month, so of course I was hormonal. "Aww, that means a lot. You're a very special girl, you know that?" Summer arrogantly smiled. She was something else.

"Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to be in the backyard. When your aunt wakes up, just tell her where I'm at, okay?" Nodding her head, I leaned over to give her a peck on her temple. Leaving Summer alone officially, I made my way to the lower level's bathroom to handle my business.

The words were replaying in my mind. The church people were a different kind of disrespectful. They simply felt entitled to say anything because we were in church. Maybe if I told them to go to hell, Jesus Himself, would be on this very Earth, but apart of me wanted to stay silent.

Heading to the backyard, the sky was blue and no clouds were in sight. This quiet time was well needed for sure. Raising three children and being a stay-at-home mother was challenging. I always made sure that I'd never miss a special moment when it came to my children. Noah and Nala were my pride and joy.

As I was closing my eyes, I heard someone ring my doorbell. It was my sabbath, and I just wanted to relax. The good Lord did, so why can't I? Again, the doorbell rang again. Frustrated with this person's patience, I went to my front door. Opening it, I was taken aback by the sight in front of me.

"Look, it's Sunda-"



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