Chapter 3

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The alarm clock blared, waking me from my dreams of Jack. I turned it off quickly, to make sure I didn't wake Ken. I crawled out of bed quickly and hopped in the shower. Ken's touch, even when gentle, left me feeling dirty and used, and I needed to wash him off of me.

After showering I went downstairs to make breakfast. Ken always liked eggs and bacon for breakfast, so I tried to make sure he started his day off well, which ultimately made it less painful for me. After serving it up on a plate for him when he came down, I made Hannah a bowl of cereal and took it up to her room.

'Hi mummy! I was getting dressed for school.' She said, her trousers on backwards and socks inside out.

'Great job, baby!' I smiled, giving her a hand with her trousers and socks. 'I got you some breakfast.'

'Thank you mummy.' She said sitting down at the small table in her room. 'Is Ken happy today?' She asked glancing at the door. Even though I did my best to shield her, she could tell when Ken had a bad day and that getting in his way when angry was a bad idea.

'He's still sleeping. He is a bit worried at work at the moment but I did my best to cheer him up last night.' I replied.

'Did you give him once of your magic mummy cuddles? You always make me feel better with those!' She grinned, referring to when I hug and sing to her whenever she needs comforting.

'She gave me a special Ken version of that.' Ken's voice said from the doorway. I stood up to face him, partially to act as a barrier if needed.

'Good morning honey.' I smiled, with a blush. He walked in front of me and pulled me into an embrace, placing kisses on my neck.

'Good morning.' He replied, almost moaning into me. I could sense his arousal growing.

'I was, uh, just giving Hannah her breakfast.' I whispered, reminding him that she was here. He stood up straight and spun me around, so my back was against him, and began slowly grinding on me, keeping his eyes on Hannah. He knew how much I hated him touching me like that in front of her, but last time I objected I got beaten for refusing him my 'marital duties'.

'Why don't we all have breakfast together today?' He smiled, gripping my waist so I couldn't move away.

'It's on the table.' I nodded, even though he didn't need to ask. 'Come Hannah, lets go downstairs.' I smiled, pulling away from him then picking up her bowl.

'Yay!' Hannah giggled. 'I like eating at the grownup table!' I never let her eat with him unless he specifically asked to, knowing that she was too young and innocent to be exposed to him when he's angry.

'Well, your mummy was such a good girl last night, I wanted to treat you both and spend some time with you before work.' He said, squeezing sa my butt as he walked behind me. 'And I love you both very much.' He added.

When we got to the table, Ken grabbed his plate and sat down. I reached for my own but he grabbed my forearm to stop me.
'What's wrong sweetie?' I asked politely. Ken looked me up and down.

'It wouldn't hurt for you to skip a meal or two, you're putting on weight again.' He said disapprovingly.

'I'm sorry, my love. I'll work on it.' I said embarrassed.

'Good girl. I love you.' He replied, nodding at me to sit down beside him. My weight was never a problem with Jack. I loved myself and my body, and he loved me too. But being with Ken made me feel self conscious, all of the women he socialised with were skinny and sexy, even though I was now half the size I used to be. He never said it directly, but I could tell he would have strayed if I didn't work harder on my appearance.

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