Chapter 8

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'Wow, look at this Hannah, thank you grandma and grandpa.' I smiled, as my six month old baby sat in a bundle of wrapping paper. As all babies were, Hannah was far more interested in the packaging than the new toy my parents had got her. 'It's great, thank you.' I said to my mum and dad, who were watching over Hannah lovingly.

We were visiting Jack's parent's house and they had invited us all over for Christmas dinner since theirs was the bigger house. Hannah was showered in gifts and clothes, and it made me wonder where we were going to keep it all.

The time we spent together that Christmas was perfect, the joy and warmth I felt that day would never be repeated. Jack and I were tired from all the long nights but we were happily watching his family and mine coming together to share the time with one another.

After opening presents and eating a feast, Jack and I decided to head back home so Hannah could go to sleep on time and so that we would be home before the snow got worse. As a child I wished for a white Christmas every year, and the one year it happened, I wished it didn't.

'When we get home, I'm going to pop out with some of the guys for a drink.' Jack said. I looked at him shocked.

'That's the third time this week Jack.' I said. 'We have a baby to look after.'

'It's just one drink.' He said rolling his eyes.

'You said that last time but you were gone for 6 hours. I thought you said we were in this together.' I glanced back at Hannah who was sleeping in her car seat.

'Don't be ridiculous Jenny.' He scoffed. 'I just need some time with the guys every now and then to relax.'

'You've been out three times this week. And every week before that for the last few months. I haven't gone out since before Hannah was born. It's not fair Jack, you can't keep leaving me to do it all myself.'

'I'm an 18 year old guy, Jen. I need my downtime.'

'What's going on with you? Why are you being like this?' I said tearing up. 'I know having a baby is hard but you said we would do it together. Why are you running off all the time?'

'Nothings going on Jenny, it's just fucking hard being a young dad.'

'It's hard being a teen mum too, Jack. But you can bet it's a hell of a lot harder doing it on my own.' I said, anger stirring in me. I couldn't look at him, so I focused on the snow that was starting to fall more heavily.

'Well you never should have gotten pregnant then.' He spat. I was taken aback.

'It's not like I did it on purpose!' I snapped. 'You played a role in it too. Jack, you wanted this too. You agreed to this.' I said tears falling. 'What's wrong with you right now? Why are you being like this?'

'Nothings wrong with me.' He said, gripping the wheel tighter.

'Hannah is amazing. She's worth all the hard nights.' I whispered. 'We knew what we were getting into when we decided to keep her.'

'I didn't realise it meant being tied down forever and never going out and having fun.'

'Tied down?!' I spluttered. 'You said we were end game. You said you wanted this.'

'Well maybe I did at the time.' He growled. 'But now I just want to live my life, and have fun.'

'Hannah is our life.' I said, unable to stop the tears falling. This whole thing had been hard on us both, and this wasn't the first time we argued about not being able to act our age and going out with our friends. 'You need to think about what you're saying right now Jack.'

'It's all I've been thinking about! Our life is over before it's even begun!' He yelled, turning to face me. It hit me then that there was alcohol on his breath.

'Jack, you've been drinking.' I gasped. 'Pull over now, you can't drive!'

'I'm fine Jenny.' He said, his eyes flicking between me and the road.

'Pull over Jack. I'm not letting you drive drunk when our baby is in the back.' I said, placing my hand on the wheel. He pushed me back with one hand, using more force than he expected, and caused me to jerk the wheel to the left and the car swerved.

'Fuck Jenny. Get off.' He yelled, pushing me again, this time causing my head to hit the window. I let go of the wheel to hold my head in pain.

'Pull the fuck over Jack.' I yelled.

The snow was pounding on the window, the road was barely visible. The black ice even less visible. Everything moved in slow motion as the car skidded on the ice, going off road and onto the other lane.

I screamed as I saw the lights of oncoming traffic, the sounds of tyres screeching would be something I would never forget. The other car hit us with a deafening crash and we were pushed into the barriers at the side of the road, the car and some of my bones making a loud crunching noise. Glass exploded in all directions as the airbag activated, my head hitting it painfully.

'Jenny!' Jack gasped. I tried to sit up slowly, my head heavy and woozy. 'Jenny I'm so sorry.' I could feel glass cutting into my skin all over my face and body.

'Hannah.' I gasped out, struggling to turn to look at her. As if on cue, I heard her crying. 'Is she okay?'

'She looks okay, just small cuts.' He said, taking a painful look over his shoulder. 'I'm so sorry Jenny. I love you.'

My vision was beginning to tunnel as my head kept drooping, my eyes struggling to stay open.

'Stay awake Jenny. The ambulance is coming.' I heard Jack's raspy voice. He was clearly in a lot of pain. I reached my hand out to him, and he took it, squeezing it reassuringly.

'I love you.' I whispered, fear consuming me. I knew I was badly hurt but I couldn't see Hannah or Jack well enough to evaluate their injuries.

The sound of an ambulance filled my senses, merging with Hannah's cry. I choked out a sob, in fear and in pain. I leant my head back and my eyes kept fluttering shut.

'Stay awake baby.' I could hear a hiss of pain in his voice.

'They're here, okay?'

'Stay awake for me. Hannah needs her mummy.'

'No, no. Not me. Get them out first. Help them.'

'You're gonna be okay Jenny. I love you both.'

'Jack.' I whispered, before losing all consciousness.

The physical pain of waking up in the hospital was nothing compared to the pain I felt when they told me about Jack. I had multiple broken ribs, as well as damage to my stomach caused by a large piece of glass lodging deep inside me. It was the worst pain I had ever experienced until that point, before I met Ken, and before I found out that I lost the love of my life.

'Where is he?' I asked, my voice raspy. Hannah was sat sleeping in my mother's arms, with only minor injuries. It was the first thing I asked when I regained consciousness.

The look on my fathers face as he took my hand told me everything I needed to know. I screamed out, sobbing as I felt my heart breaking.

'No! You're lying.' I screeched, trying to climb out of bed to get up and find him.

'Jenny, stay still. You're hurt.' My dad said, hugging me gently. I sobbed into his shoulder.

'You're lying.' I choked out. 'He wouldn't leave us. He wouldn't leave me alone.'

'Jack saved you baby.' My dad's voice spoke. 'You both had really severe injuries baby and he made them get you out first. He saved you.'

'No.' The sobs didn't stop coming. 'No he's okay. He was talking to me. He can't be gone.'

'Baby, he was holding on to make sure you would be okay. But he lost too much blood before they got to him.'


It took me days to process that he was dead. It took me weeks to process how he died protecting us. It took me months to say his name without crying. I blamed myself for his death and that was something I would never be able to forgive myself for, no matter how long passed.

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