Chapter 12

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Contains mature content.

He was the most charming person I ever met. My friends loved him. My family loved him. He was great with Hannah. And after two and a half years of grieving, he was the perfect guy to help me move on. He was kind, generous and was a shoulder to cry on when things got rough.

When he met my parents, they were concerned about the 9 year age gap, particularly because I was still only 21, a young woman still trying to figure out her life, with a man who was running a successful business. But after seeing me smile, laughing and enjoying my life for the first time since I lost Jack, my parents learnt to accept our relationship.

Ken and I were together for about 2 weeks when I told him about Jack, and he was more supportive than I expected, considering I was in his room, crying about my ex. He comforted me, and let me talk about Jack for hours, the acceptance and support making me fall deeper for him. He reassured me that he would love Hannah like his own, but never replace Jack as her father.

Ken and I dated for about a year before he asked me to renew our vows. We planned it out so that everyone thought it was just a wedding, as I was still embarrassed about how we got together.

'Now, I'm sure you've all heard the story of how Jenny and I met.' Ken grinned as he stood beside me, giving his speech. 'But we have a little confession to make.'

'Ken, baby, what are you doing?' I said with wide eyes. Not sure if I could handle the reactions of my parents if they found out the truth like this. They supported our relationship and they knew that he made me so happy, but finding out how reckless I had been would be a huge shock to them. Ken smiled down at me, with loving eyes.

'This beautiful ceremony and reception have been incredible, and I'm sure you all enjoyed witnessing our love being made official.' Ken continued, I could feel myself sweating nervously now. 'But we've been keeping a little secret from you all. We didn't get married tonight.'

I could see confusion on everyone's faces, a small murmuring of chatter as people tried to work out what Ken meant. Anna, who was my maid of honour and sat beside me, looked at me with concern.

'We got married, a long time ago. On the night we met.' I heard gasps from across the room, shock on most people's faces but when I turned to my parents I saw anger. I couldn't tell if it was anger at the fact I got married drunk or whether it was the fact I had lied to them all this time.

'What the fuck?!' Anna choked out in shock. 'On my birthday?' She said looking at me in surprise. I blushed, embarrassed, looking down at the glass of champagne in front of me.

'Little did we know on that drunken reckless night, that I was marrying the woman I would grow to love more than anything in this world. My beautiful wife beside me agreed to take a chance on me and try making it work, and here we are, on the happiest day of my life.' Ken grinned, revelling in the shocked faces of our guests. He lifted his champagne glass and looked to me lovingly. 'A toast to my beautiful wife, the most stunning bride, I can't believe you're mine.'

There was a murmuring of 'to the bride' and 'to Jenny' as everyone raised their glasses to toast us.

'Let's get this party started!' I shouted, also raising my glass, the DJ taking the hint and beginning to play music. Ken sat back down beside me. 'I can't believe you did that! What were you thinking?'

'I was thinking your parents can't get mad at you for lying on your big day.' Ken said kissing my temple. 'I love you.'

My parents walked up to us, pulling us away from the other guest who were now dancing away and enjoying the reception.

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