Chapter 27

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'Jenny! Jenny wait!' Troy called after me as I walked out of his house. 'I was waiting for the right time to tell you!'

'The right time? Troy, the right time was when we were upstairs talking about our future! Or two months ago when you came to see me that night in the hospital! A baby is a big deal! You can't keep that a secret!' Tears were filling my eyes.

'I didn't tell you then because you would have pushed even harder for me to stay with Laila!' Troy said, grabbing my arm to stop me from walking.

'Of course I would have, Troy! She's pregnant!'

'This doesn't change anything!'

'It changes everything Troy.' I cried. 'I wish more than anything Hannah had the chance to have both her parents. If you and Laila are together, your baby will have that!'

'We won't just magically become a happy family, Jenny. Separated co-parents is better than a couple that don't want to be together.'

'Fine, but where am I meant to fit in all of this, Troy? I'm doing better than I was, but this is a lot to deal with!'

'I don't know Jenny, but we can work it out. I'm not expecting you to be involved if you don't want to be.'

'Well if you want to be together, I will have to be, won't I? This baby is going to be in your life...' tears were spilling from my eyes. Over Troy's shoulders, I saw Laila standing in the doorway with her mother, while the others watched from the living room window. 'Troy... I can barely look after myself right now... without my parents, I would struggle with Hannah. I've spent years bottling up all the abuse and since I got out, all the emotion and trauma... it's like being hit by a train. I... a baby? I can't.'

'Jenny, the baby would only be with me half the time. It will be my responsibility, not yours. There's no pressure.' Troy looked at me with desperation. 'Please don't leave me Jenny. Please. I need you.'

'Troy...' I sobbed. I was so confused. I had no idea what to do and not a clue what I wanted.

'Jenny...' Laila's voice said from behind Troy. 'Jenny, I'm sorry you found out like this. But I'm okay with this. I'm okay with you and Troy. Troy and I are the parents, you don't need to have any responsibilities if you don't want to. We can be a team. Whether it's the two of us, or three of us. It doesn't matter. But you and Troy deserve to be happy.'

'I don't... I don't know.' I sobbed, my legs trembling beneath me. 'It's too much. It's all too much. I can't do it.'

'Jenny, calm down. You're hyperventilating.' Troy said, pulling me into his arms. 'Shh, it's okay.'

My lungs left like they were on fire, my heart pumping in my ears. I could hear Troy and Laila trying to talk to me, but it sounded like they were underwater. Before I knew it, I was gasping for breath, my legs collapsing, the only thing holding me up was Troy's arms.

I don't remember passing out, but I must have, because I woke up in Troy's bed, Laila sat beside me.

'Hey, are you okay?' She said, handing me a glass of water. I nodded before sipping it slowly. 'I've never seen someone have a panic attack before, it's terrifying.'

'Yeah.' I croaked, sitting up and watching her carefully. My eyes fell on the bump and a question I hadn't even considered popped into my mind. 'How far along are you?'

'About four months.' She smiled, rubbing her bump lovingly.

'Four months...' I mumbled. My accident was four months ago. Was it before or after Troy met me? Before or after he said he wanted to be with me? 'Do you know the exact day?' I choked out.

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