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Jennie's POV

My mind was at peace while looking at the Seoul view.

Rosè was driving to the mall, we are going to buy our dresses for tonights event.

We skipped school today without telling anyone, our parents won't know anyways.

"We're here!" Rosè screamed making Lisa scream loudly.

I shake my head as I undid my seat belt. I hopped off the car quietly and headed to the entrance with the girls behind me bickering.

I stopped walking and looked at them, "what shop do you wanna go first?"

"I wanna go to Saint Laurent, they have new arrivals." Rosè said boredly.

"Celine!" Lisa squealed.

"I'm going to Chanel, what about we split up?" I asked and they nodded before we go to our separate ways.

Lisa's POV

I observed my surroundings as I walked to my ideal store. It seems that this is a family day since there's a lot of kids running around.

Suddenly, a smell of a sweet coffee filled my nostrils, I looked to my side and it was a new opened cafe.

It has a lot of aesthetic decorations and it seems interesting.

My feet itself brought me there and I ordered a take out one, so I can bring it while picking clothes.

I exited with a smile painted on my face while remembering the fascinating smell of the cafe.

The store wasn't that far from the cafe. I entered the Celine store and a lady greeted me, "Good morning maam! Welcome to Celine!"

I smiled at her in response and walked past her.

I roamed around the store store for 30 minutes and finally picked five dresses for me to try.

I tried my the five dresses, but I only choose one for the party.

It's a black dress with golden stripes, luckily, I have black calf boots that I haven't use yet.

I sipped my unfinished coffee while waiting for the cashier to hand me purchase.

"Thank you for shopping here in Celine maam!" The cashier said while handing me my paper bag and my card.

I smiled once again and exited the store.

It was still early in the afternoon and the mall is filling up by many people.

Suddenly I felt my coffee was spilled all over me after someone bumped into my shoulder.

I looked at person who bumped me and it was a boy in my age with a cute looking girl beside him.

His haircut was a coconut and he has big round chocolate eyes that was widen while looking at my state.

"Watch your way!!" I shouted at him that made him even more shocked.

His next actions made me surprise and disgusted. He tried wiping my stomach with a tissue.

I pushed so hard that he stumbled, "stop touching me!" I screamed.

"But I was—" his words were cutted off when I suddenly stormed out of the scene, not caring if people were watching us like a variety show.

I pulled out my phone and texted jennie to hurry up and meet me at the food court.

My face was stern while heading to the food court. I watched people's attention becuase my walk.

I waited for them for 2 minutes and they finally arrived.

"Girl, what happened to you?" Rosè asked.

"I don't want to talk about it!" I said before heading to the parking with them following behind.


I kicked my shoes away and threw my paper bag at the couch while hurriedly went to the bathroom to change.

After changing, I came back to the livingroom only to see the girls opening their own shopping bags.

I sat beside Jennie and started owning my own.

"What happened to the mall?" Jennie asked breaking the silence.

"A dude bumped to me and I spilled my coffee all over me, he tried wiping my stomach just to touch me," I explained and received a nod from them.


"Kang Seulgi!" Irene screamed as she poured a bucket of cold water into Seulgi's face.

Seulgi sat up straight, fully awake and shock.

"I have a night shift! Why are you waking me up early!?" Seulgi whined.

"Tonight is the part time job! You better wake your ass up!" Irene shouted again and their voices echoed inside the house.

Seulgi didn't complain anymore and walked to the bathroom.

"Gosh, that brat!" Irene mumbled to herself before waking downstairs to the kitchen.

"Hi unnie!" Yeri greeted her, "lunch is prepared!"

She cheerfully said making Irene chuckle.

"What's with the smiley faces?" Irene asked and sat on the chair.

"We're just excited since this is our first part time job!" Wendy said and sat beside her.

"Its not easy as you think it is" Irene reminded but the two didn't bother to be worried.

As if on queue, Joy entered the kitchen with a wet hair.

"Oh goodmorning!" She greeted and they responded.

"Yah! Joy! Why did you used all the shampoo!?" Seulgi screamed from the bathroom.

Irene sighed and the lunch went with bickering and laughing.


"Taehyung-ah!" Jimin screamed impatiently.

"I'm almost done give me 2 more minutes!" Taehyung shouted back from his bedroom.

Taehyung fixed his tie but ended messing it. Suddenly, his bedroom door swung open  revealing a frustrated Jimin.

He saw Taehyung's state and walked to him. "You could've told me you don't how to do this."

He fixed Taehyung's tie and tapped the both of his shoulder.

The company said that they will be working in a suit for the event to look more elegant.

Since they already have their first pay, they can now afford to buy a simple suit.

"Let's go before we are late!" Jimin said and Taehyung followed him behind.


"How's this babe?" Jim asked his girlfriend while pulling a model pose.

"You look good, but please stop," Jisoo said and Jin behaved himself.

"What's taking you so long?" Jones whined this time.

"Can't you see I'm doing my make up!?"

"Why do you need make up anyway you look pretty already and don't add too much i don't want any other man looking what's mine," Jin said making jisoo sigh.

"I'm not doing this for attention, I'm doing this for myself. I wanna look pretty!" Jisoo fought back and Jin just let out a loud groan.

"Hurry up! Were going to be late," Jin said and Jisoo stood up from her vent grabbing her purse.

"Let's go!" Jisoo squealed and linked her arm to Jin's arm.

The anticipating party is tonight....

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