Chapter two

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||Love your demons||

Luke was the Alpha of the Rogues. He was Ruthless, evil, heartless and merciless. He's known for killing over sixty wolves all on his own with only his bare hands, He may only be the leader of 30 pack members but they succeded in every Fight they've had with Wolf Packs.

Stay away from him

My mother's words rang in my ears and for the first time in my life i didn't listen.

Luke's eyes wondered from His two Pack members over to me. A burning sensation filled my chest one that i've never felt before, The longer i stared into his pale blue eyes the more I felt a tingly sensation in my bones, why was it so hard to look away?


Please tell me this isn't what i think it is.

Has the word actually Gone Crazy?

Luke Grant, the man who is said to be so cold hearted he could slit your throat and feel nothing, the man who 'supposibly' killed his own parent's, the man who is said to be so evil that he would never EVER find a mate. was my mate. I could see in his eyes he was trying desperatly to fingure out what to do with me, I saw the way curiosity took over his face, he felt it too. He knows i'm his mate just as well as i do. Aren't mates mean't to protect each other? he can't kill me, Can he?

"What's your name Pup?" He asked, coming closer to me.

My throat had a lump in it, i suddenly forgot how to speak. My eyes dropped to the floor avoiding to even glimpse how close he was to me.

"I asked you a fucking question" He growled.

"My name's Faye" I said softly.

He tilted his head like a wolf and studied me. The silence was soffocating, the two men who held onto both my arms even felt it to because they shuffled their feet and gave each other confused looks.

He sighed before speaking, "Put her in Cell twelve" He said flippantly.

wait what?

I wanted to protest but I was already being gripped tightly by the arm and pulled further down the hall.

"Ow! your hurting me" was all i was able to say.

I felt Luke's eyes on me the whole time, his pale eyes which showed years of torment and lonliness with a dash of anger. His eyes which made my stomach turn and my wolf howl, I dared to look back but from the corner of my eye, i saw him run his hand through his dark coloured hair, messing it up even more before sighing and returning to watch me go.

God i wished I knew what he was Thinking.

I was pushed into cell 12 and the Rogue with the Glass eye followed me in, he gripped my hands and yanked them so they were stretched out infront of me, Two metal rings secured me firmly by each wrist pinching my skin. This was the most uncomfortable position to be in, His eyes slowly drifted from my hands down my body as if he was taking in all my curves and mentally grinning to himself.

He bound my feet in chains and grinned at me. At least it was those kind of chains where you can actually move your arms and legs.

"Sleep tight princess" His malicious voice made me sick.

The Clang of the Sell door made me jump. I was Alone. Left here to Rott or left here until it was my time to meet God.


"Have you seen my brother?" Came an unfamiliar Voice, i looked up from where i was hugging my knees and burying my face in my hands. A fingure was curled up in the corner of the cell, it's voice came out small and fragile.

"What does your brother look like?" I replied.

The figure shuffled it's way along the hard floor and emerged into the moon light. My heart couldn't possibly break anymore than this. It was a child, about six years old. His face was dirty with dry mud clinging onto his pale skin. He wore brown trousers which were ripped and full of holes, bare feet and a brown sort of Jacket with no T-shirt.

His chest had whip scars across it along with claw marks. Nothing could hurt more than this.

"My brother is in a sell further up the enterance, he's four. um...he has um..brown hair" He sniffed "Did they beat him again for crying?"

My mind recalled seeing a boy with brown hair, now that i think about it the boy was ridiculously young. It seemed Churlish to tell this boy the state his brother was in. He did get beat, his face showed signs of fresh cuts and bruises.

"No sweetie he's fine" I lied. I opened up my arms to the little boy who didn't hesitate to lung into them. He curled up into a ball and hid his face in my chest as i wrapped my arms around his body to protect him from anyone else who wantd to hurt him.

"What's your name?"

"Sam" He squeeked.

"Go to sleep Sam, everything will be ok"

I hope.


Okidoki i tried to put as much detail in this chapter as possible and i hope you get the basic understanding of what's happening if you don't i'll just sum it up, Faye was accused of killing a member of her Pack and they wanted to punish her so she ran into the Rogue territory and got caught and found out Luke is her Mate and Sam is in her cell as well. Before anything dramatic actually happens we're going to learn a wee bit more about Faye and Luke *wink* if your able to leave a few comments on how i could improve my writing or if you want to private message me i wouldn't mind but pretty please don't be mean xx

have a good day love you lots :) xx


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