Chapter thirteen

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||Love your demons||

The great hall was filled with lights and music. The room smelled of food and perfume along with the aroama of sweat, I'd only just arrived and I wanted to leave.

I glanced around for Bree but she'd gone off with Harrison somewhere and Adrianne was no where to be seen.

"Would you like some drink?" Jack asked.

Great he's my only company.

"Um...Yes please If you don't mind" I said.

"Not at all" He said.

I felt bad, he was really trying but I couldn't care less.

"Why are you here with Jack?" A voice came from behind, I immedietly groaned at the girl who stood before me.

Lacey Greene was probably the snobbiest, ruddest and fakest person in the whole Pack. She and I used to be friends which now I found to be ridiculous and hilarious because we were nothing alike. She turned into a slut and dated plus slept with every guy in the Pack but Jack was the one she really wanted.

Her dress wasn't even a dress, she might as well have come Naked at how short it was. Her foundation was so thick she was practically drowning in it, Her make up was nice but there was way too much of it making her look much more desperate than she already was and as fake as the wine glasses over at the drink table

"I asked you a fucking question Bitch" She chewed on her gum, I heard the slapping of her mouth as she did so.

"I don't have to answer to you" I said. My God I hated her with a burning passion.

"Yes you do, You look like a troll in that dress by the way" She sniggered.

"At least I don't look like an Anorexic pig"

she rolled her eyes and continued chewing on her gum.

I felt the presense of someone behind me, Jack stood behind me causing Lacey to shut her mouth and step back. But quickly regained herself and smiled, battering her eyes and fliping her ginger hair off her shoulder.

"Hi Jack" She said flirtasiously. I mentally gagged to myself, If Bree was here She would have had a cat fight with her in an instant. They couldn't stand each other.

"Hi Lacey" He said, Not even making eye contact with her. She flinched and flipped her hair walking away back to Dylan Saunders, I bet she forced him to be her date.
After we drank the supposedly wine, black current juice, we stood in silence watching the guests flood in and out of the dance floor.

I hope he doesn't ask me to-

"Would you like to dance?" Jack said.

Hesitantly, I nodded and made our way to the dance floor.

He dragged me through the sea of bodies, dancing and laughing. Now that I realised, I hated dancing, Being around people who you don't know and could touch you inapropriatly; That happened once.

We danced for a bit that was until I got pulled into His chest hard. I heard his chest shudder with a laugher That brought chills to my body, until I felt something go down my back. Lower and Lower Those chills became Violent.

"Jack" I said.

"I really like you" He whispered into my ear, I sensed a smile in his tone. I gasped when I felt my bum being squeezed God my alarm bells were through the roof.

"How dare you touch me like that" I growled, pushing against his chest but he kept his grip.

"I'm just having a little fun" he squeezed my bum again even harder. "can I have a kiss?"

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