Chapter sixteen

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||Love your demons||

His words were a bullet in my chest, I felt like i'd been stabbed by him, laying on the floor as the blood came garleling up my throat and trickling down the sides of my face until it felt warm on my ears and he just stood and watched with no emotion on his face.

"W-what?" I said softly, I felt the tears threatening to fall.

"Next week friday, on the full moon, we're going to kill your so called 'Lover' " He said dryly.

"N-No you can't" I shouted, the tears already flowing and my anger rising. I couldn't lose anyone else, I didn't want someone who I love with all my broken pieces of my heart be ripped away from me because of this stupid no good Alpha who is so clouded by success and anger that he doesn't see what will happen if he goes through with this God damn war!

"Would you get it in your dumb head that he isn't a good person" He yelled, I wanted to scream and shout as much as I could to him, I swear to God if Luke dies I will end him. With every bone in my body He will die in my arms and I will feel no fucking sympathy for him, I knew he never loved me but I forced myself to believe he did but now. Now he's proved me right.

"I wish you died that night instead of my parents" My voice turned dark and so uncanny, I didn't sound like me. I let myself lose complete and utter control of my body, this was the part of me I'd burried in the dirt for the past seventeen years.

I stormed out of his office, tears englufing my face as I slammed the door so hard, some of the pack members who lived in the houe came out of their rooms to see what was going on.

Not sparing them a single glance, I ran down the hall and into my room, slamming it and locking it.

Luke was sat on the bed looking tired and drained, running his hand through his brown hair in distress.

"Luke, you need to leave. now" I croaked, attempting to wipe away the tears but they wouldn't stop.

The more I stared at him the more my heart ached and my stomach burned, it was like I was being crushed and smashed into various walls until I was willing to give up. I didn't want him to die, He looked so vulnerable so small and fragile, I needed him more than I needed to breathe.

"I know what their panning, they won't succeed" He smiled, wondering up to me and wrapping his arms around my waist as I burried my head in his chest and listened to his heart beat which I hoped would continue beating even after the attack.

"No, Luke you don't understand, their gathering packs from all around america. They will get strong and I...I..." I could barely finish that sentence, I didn't want to say it.

"Shhh" He kissed my forhead. "I'll be fine" He realsed me and kissed the top of my nose, my head was full of monsters, full of darkness; he was the knight who chased off the beasts and cut off the chains which bound me, he was the light I'd craved for so long.

"And i'm certainly not letting you live with him" He said solenmley.

"Where else will I-" I began to say but I was silenced when My arm was yanked to the window, I blushed when I saw his back muscles work to push it up. He jumped out with mischief in his eyes and a cheeky grin plastered on his face.

He held out his pale hand towards me and I didn't hesitate to take it, I didn't look back to the Pack house once.


hey guise hope you like this part, Faye's running away with Luke how cute :) But seriously guys there's only a couple chapters left in this story *Cry* and i'm mentally planning them out and the stuff thats in them i mean... seriously is this how crazy I am?

haha gunna have to wait a lil bit my darlings xoxoxox


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