𝐢. breathing water

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     IMONA PRUITT felt as if she was drowning on dry land

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IMONA PRUITT felt as if she was drowning on dry land. The tears that clung to her long eyelashes slowly were beginning to freeze, her skin had turned paler then the snow that surrounded her body, her chapped lips were blue and numb, blood poured out of a small gash running across the blonde's cheek. Imona could barley see anything, her eyes were starting to swell shut and bruises creeped their way across her skin from the impact of her recent fall. But the worst thing of all the girl's lungs were slowly losing their source of power. The very thing that supplies oxygen to every inch of her body was crystallizing with ice, each time she gasped for elemental air Imona was met with nothing but rigorous ice and water particles. The small girls limbs squirmed and swung trying with every ounce of her being to lift her body mass. With whatever breath she had left, a string of curses escaped Imona's lips as she faded out of consciousness.

"Imona." a voice said. Imona jolted up, her hands swiftly moving to their offensive position. She sprung up to her aching feet, her head whipping back and forth trying to locate the source of the voice. With every movement her skull was struck with an excruciating pain. She stood their aimlessly for a few seconds. She sucked the cold air and let it inflate her lungs, she lifted her hand to raise a piece of snow that lay right at her feet. Imona jerked her head to look behind her, coming from in front of her body, without warning an icicle with edges sharp as a piece of broken glass wedged itself into Imona's shoulder. The girl let out a yelp, glancing down at her injury. The waterbender ripped the icicle out of her skin letting it fall to the ground. With her eyes now facing the attackers position she scanned the area. Coming slightly to her left 20 icicles hurtled themselves towards Imona's tiny frame. With the swoop of her uninjured arm a sheet of ice shielded her body from the attacker's icicles. She quickly dropped the shield, looking for his position.

It was Arnook. He stood hidden in a small alcove of the bottom of the mountain, completely untouched with a smug look spreading across his face as he watched Imona struggle.

Anger poured throughout Imona's soul. Adrenaline coursed through her veins, blocking out all of the oozing pain her petite body was feeling. Imona's aching bones pounded against the snow underneath her heavy boots as she charged at the man. Her good hand outstretched slightly, raising the snow and ice that surrounded her as she made her approach. Arnook speedily took notice of this, more and more skin puncturing icicles flew towards Imona. With the pull of her hands the ice wall covered and shielded her body once again from Arnook's attack. Her feet kept carrying her, she was getting closer and closer to Arnook's position. Imona was not going to stand down.

Arnook launched another round of icicles. Again, Imona pulled her hands close together to form an ice wall but this time she pushed against the wall. Arnook's own icicles we're now flying towards himself. Imona was now on the offense.

When Imona had reached Arnook he had fully recovered from the girl's strike. Arnook raised his hand to attack but Imona was quicker. The blonde's foot turned outward causing the ice that Arnook stood on to drop lower then the ground her stood on. Imona let out a heavy breath somewhat out of relief. But unfortunately within seconds Arnook pushed the ice below him to rise above Imona, fury blazing in his navy eyes. Imona stumbled back with surprise at her Master's swiftness. A large ball of jagged snow plummeted down onto Imona, Imona's reflexes kicked in, the waterbender raised her hands and swiftly pulled them apart causing the snow to disperse, leaving snowflakes to fall all around her. When the blonde raised her eyes back up to view Arnook all she could see was clouds of white rapidly plunging straight down at her.

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⏰ Last updated: May 20, 2021 ⏰

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