5: Because Love is About Sacrifice

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"I knew it." A voice said.

Wendy was startled and looked up to see Joy looking back at her with her arms crossed.

The tall girl smirked at Wendy.

"H-Huh? What do you mean-?"

"I knew it." Joy walked closer to Wendy. "Let's talk somewhere else." She grabbed the girl's wrist and the two hastily walked over to Joy's room. The tall girl opened her door and slightly pushed Wendy inside, closing the door behind her.

"W-What do you mean, you 'knew it'?" Wendy's voice shrieked.

The tall girl sighed. "I knew it, that you loved Irene." She walked over to her bed and sat. 

Wendy just stood at the same spot, frozen. "Y-You… You heard, didn't you…?" Her heart was pounding. She didn't want anyone to know that she loved Irene. She didn't want anyone to know because she was just going to give up Irene sooner or later.

"You saw me." Joy gestured to Wendy to come sit beside her on her bed. "Of course I heard."

Wendy let out a sigh and sat beside Joy. She buried her face in her hands. "Why? It's not like I would tell anyone." Joy said, looking at the exhausted Wendy.

"You better not." She sighed.

"Why don't you just tell her how you feel?" Joy said in a low voice. Wendy let out another sigh and looked at Joy. "Because…"

"Hm?" Joy was looking into the girl's eyes, waiting for an answer.

"... because I'm going to have to let her go anyway."

Joy widened her eyes and kept silent. She slowly looked the other way and faced the ground. Wendy did the same and felt her tears building up in her eyes. Joy felt like she knew the reason why Wendy was going to let Irene go, but at the same time she didn't know.

Because love is about sacrifice.

Wendy is giving up her love for Irene, for her best friend.

"... If you love her…" Joy quietly spoke. "... you tell her how you feel. If you love her, you wouldn't let her go. If you love her, you would go after her, win her heart, and make sure she won't leave."

Just hearing that made Wendy's tears fall down her cheek, with nonstop tears. She cried silently.

"... But what about Seulgi?" Wendy's voice cracked in a low voice. 

"Seulgi…?" Joy turned to look at the crying Wendy.

Wendy sighed. "S-Seulgi loves her too…"

Joy widened her eyes and looked at the crying girl. She placed her palm over her gasping mouth. "T-That's why-"

"That's why I have to let Irene go." Wendy fell onto Joy's bed on her back, and placed the back of her hand over her eyes. She kept crying. "Because I don't want Seulgi to be all sad, like me right now."

Joy let out a sigh. She fell on her back and layed close to Wendy. She gave the crying girl a hug. "You're too considerate." She tried to calm the girl by patting her head. "Irene unnie would be so lucky to have you."

Wendy turned to Joy and kept crying on her chest. "That's how much you care about your best friend's happiness…" Joy whispered.

Wendy was very considerate. She places others first, before her.

"You're just going to let yourself be all sad and in pain when you see them together?" Joy quietly asked Wendy, as she felt the girl's soft hair. "You're just gonna bear with it and hide your true emotions?"

"I don't want anyone to worry about me." Wendy's voice cracked. "... That's why no one knew I loved Irene unnie…"

Joy felt very sad for Wendy. She knew the girl just wanted her best friend to be happy. "Your love story is very tragic..." Joy gave the crying girl a tight hug.

"Mind if I sleep here for tonight?" Wendy asked. Her eyes were very red. Mostly from crying. Some of it was from exhaustion.

"I don't mind." Joy smiled.


The next day, Wendy tried her best to avoid Irene. Yeri noticed everything that was happening, but didn't bother talking to Wendy about it.

"Wendy unnie has been avoiding Irene unnie ever since this morning…" Yeri whispered into Seulgi's ear, at the living room. "It was so awkward between them at the table."

"Really? I haven't really noticed it." Seulgi looked at Yeri with a shook expression.

"I wonder what happened between them…" Yeri slightly pouted her lips. "They would usually be all smiley to each other. They didn't even greet each other this morning, like they usually would."

Seulgi felt her chin. "Should I ask Irene unnie what happened?" She was about to get up when Yeri immediately placed her hand on her shoulder, making her stop.

"Don't!" She pulled Seulgi closer so she could whisper in her ear. "It will make everything obvious. All we gotta do is, look and listen. Observe."

"Hmm…" Seulgi backed up from Yeri's face and stood straight. "... Okay. Let's just watch and listen attentively. But don't make it obvious."


"Okay, okay. I gotta go. I'm supposed to meet Sunmi today. Tell me what happens okay? Bye!" Seulgi grabbed her phone and purse.

"Y-Yah!" But Yeri was late; Seulgi already went out the door.

As Seulgi was waiting for Sunmi to pick her up outside, she was very concerned about what happened between Irene and Wendy. But once again, as a good hider of emotions and expressions, she kept it all to herself inside.

"Yermie better pay close attention…" She whispered to herself, being the curious girl she is. 

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