6: Because I Love You

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Yeri paid close attention to Wendy and Irene. She was sitting on the living room couch, using her phone, but she was still aware of her surroundings.

She saw Wendy go down the stairs and joined Yeri in the living room, sitting across from her. She began using her phone. Just in case anything happens that they didn't want the youngest to know, Yeri put in her airpods in her ears, pretending she's listening to music when she's actually eavesdropping.

A couple minutes passed, and Irene came down the stairs and to the kitchen. Yeri took a glance at Irene, to see that she was looking at Wendy from the kitchen island. She looked like she wanted to talk to Wendy so bad, but she didn't.

Irene took out a watermelon and began slicing it. Though, she was having trouble with cutting it in half. Yeri would take a glance from her phone, to Wendy, then to Irene, at times.


Yeri pretended that she couldn't hear Wendy calling her, otherwise it would make it obvious she isn't really listening to music.

"Yeri." Wendy waved. "Kim Yerrriiiiimmm!" She yelled out and Yeri finally removed her airpods and looked at Wendy. "Where did Seulgi go?"

"Seulgi unnie went to hang out with Sunmi unnie."

"Hm... okay." Wendy went back to using her phone and Yeri put her airpods in again. The youngest pretended to be super focused on her phone.

Irene was still struggling to cut the watermelon in half. "Yerimie." She called out, but the youngest was pretending to not hear her. "Kim Yerim." Once again, Yeri ignored Irene.

Irene sighed and took a glance at Wendy, who put in her airpods too. Wendy knew Irene was struggling in cutting the watermelon in half, but decided to ignore her, by placing her airpods in. She didn't want to help her.

Maybe she was pretending too, like Yeri.

Irene knew she couldn't call out to Wendy, as for the reason why she put her airpods in her ears, so she let out a small sigh to herself and tried her hardest to slice the watermelon in half.

Maybe Irene didn't sharpen the knife before cutting the watermelon, that's why she was having a hard time slicing it. Or maybe the fruit was just too firm...

... Or maybe even Irene was pretending to have a hard time slicing the watermelon just to get Wendy's attention.

As Irene finally managed to cut the watermelon in half, she cut herself and let out a small squeak. Irene immediately dropped the knife, making Yeri and Wendy startled and looked at Irene, who was squeaking in pain. Yeri didn't do anything about it, because she wanted to see what Wendy would do. Wendy on the other hand, kept looking back and forth at Irene and her phone, debating whether or not she should help her.

Irene had a huge deep cut on her finger and it really stinged. For just a cut on her finger, a lot of blood was dripping out.

"Ah!" She squeaked in pain. She backed away from the watermelon, so she wouldn't get her blood on it. She just stood there, watching the blood drip from her finger.

Wendy let out a sigh and took her airpods out, and immediately got up to help Irene. Yeri stopped using her phone and watched the two attentively.

Wendy quickly grabbed tissue and placed it on Irene's finger, where it bled. She put pressure so it would stop bleeding. Irene looked back and forth at her finger and at Wendy.

"You should be more careful next time..." Wendy said, as she held onto Irene's hand, applying pressure on the bleeding area.

The two went to the bathroom, making it out of Yeri's view. The young girl was deciding whether she should follow Irene and Wendy. She sighed and decided not to, because she figured she'd get caught. So she just stayed at the same position she was in.

Wendy then helped Irene clean her wound and got a band-aid out. However, not once did Wendy look at Irene. Wendy gently placed the band-aid on Irene's cut and rubbed it after. "T-Thanks..." Irene said.

Wendy just nodded her head, not looking at Irene. She let go of Irene's hand and slowly head to the door when-

"Wendy, wait."

She was stopped by Irene's hand on the girl's wrist, but Wendy still didn't bother looking at her.

"Wendy, why are you avoiding me?" Irene wouldn't let go of the girl's wrist. "I've tried talking to you, but you would just either reply by nodding your head or shaking your head. Wendy, did I do something wrong?"

Deep inside, Irene felt like she knew why Wendy was avoiding her, but at the same time, she couldn't figure it out.

Wendy kept looking straight at the door. "Unnie, please let go of me."

"Wendy answer my question." She didn't let go of Wendy's wrist.

The girl shook her head. "Unnie, let's not talk about-"

"Wendy, just answer my question!" Irene slightly raised her voice. "Why are you avoiding me?"

Wendy hesitated for a while. "I-It's not important-"

"You think whatever you think is not important?!" Irene's voice slightly became louder. "You think whatever you think is not important to me?!"

Wendy froze.

"Wendy, do you think I don't care?!"

Wendy turned around and looked at Irene who looked very frustrated. She still held onto Wendy's arm. "So one last time Wendy..." Irene's voice lowered a bit. "Why are you avoiding me?"


Irene was waiting desperately for a response. There was a pause.

"... It's because I love you."

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