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AN: First things first, I just want to say that this book is completely unedited. I've been doing the editing of it on paper instead of on here. This is a rough draft to the book. I am in the process of editing it and lengthening it as well. Second off, I really hope you enjoy it. I think out of all the books I've written so far, this one has been my favorite and from what I noticed and fans have told me is that this is their favorite as well. I would like to thank everyone for taking the time to read my book and give it a chance. Please feel free to like or comment it with your thoughts on if you like it or not. Any criticism can be good criticism. I want to know if you are enjoying it or not! It will help me with the editing and further books that I write. Any opinion is appreciated, even if it's a bad review. Just please keep it professional. It really hurts my feelings when I am reading a book and read some comments that are just pure mean. Bad reviews can be given in a nice way too. They don't have to be said with really hurtful words. What you say matters and can make or break a person's day on the way that you put it.

Again, I really hope you enjoy my book! I worked long hours on it and would love nothing more for you to love it as much as I loved writing it. There are definitely a lot of cuss words in this book but it is that way on purpose. I did it so you could get the full extent of how each characters personality is. The hate or the love.

Enjoy! Like, comment, share, and follow me!


Ranked #79 in Fantasy!!!! (03.05.16)

The beast inside wanted to be let loose. Free. I kept him contained though, like I always do. I didn't need anymore shit happening. I needed to stay hidden. Safe. Unseen.

The sound of a woman screaming, hit my ears. I could tell it was far off but with sensitive hearing I was able to pick it up. Feet slapped against the pavement, sloshing each time they hit the ground because of the rain. There were two sets. One heavier than the first. I picked up hard and uneven breathing. They were getting close. Why was someone in this part, this late? I had picked this exact spot so that I wouldn't be found. I had hid here for years and had never been disturbed. Until now.

"No!" A woman screamed, making me cringe. What was going on?

'It's none of your business. It's none of your business.' I repeated over and over again. 'Just stay out of it.'

I heard another scream and tried covering my ears.

"Please! I didn't see anything!" The woman begged.

"You're a liar, Natalie. Tsk tsk." A male voice stated with full confidence.

"Cole, I promise!" She whimpered. By this time, I was at the window of the old warehouse. I looked out seeing a woman laying on the ground trying to scoot back, and as far away as she could. A tall man was looming above, watching her every move, and not missing a beat. It was then he punched her in the face, sending her flying to her back from the force.

I felt the beast I had kept tamed, start to surface. I tried to fight it, but as soon I saw him raise a gun, the monster broke free. My wings sprung from against my back to their full length and my fangs lengthened. I busted through the top of roof, surprising both the man and woman. The Cole person, dropped his gun, scampering to pick it back up.

I flew down, landing on top of the gun with such momentum and strength, that the gun and ground cracked under my weight. Positioning myself protectively in front of Natalie, I sneered, showing him my fangs. He screamed, turning, and running for his life.

The want to follow and end his life was monstrous. It wasn't just a want, but a need. A need for blood. I hissed through my teeth, ready for the chase. The hunt.


The one word stopped me in my tracks. I had forgotten about the tiny woman standing behind me. I took a deep breath, willing my fangs to shorten.

Turning around, I was able to actually get a good look at her. She had long, straight, golden hair flowing down her shoulders, soaking wet. Her eyes were green, the color of emeralds. She stood up on shaking knees, wobbling a little bit. She was short, about 5" 2' and looked to be in shock. "Miss." I tried to take a step forward.

"Beautiful" she whispered as her eyes rolling into the back of head. I used my heightened speed to get to her before she hit the ground. My arms wrapped around her, as my wings retracted back, and laid against my back.

Taking one of my hands, I lightly pushed the hair out of her face, noticing the color of her skin was just lightly tanned. She had a bruise already forming where the man had punched her, and it looked that she had already been hit before on the other side. I unraveled my wings again, flying back into the warehouse. Taking her to the room I usually stayed in, I gently laid her down on my bed, covering her up.

Looking her over, a few things ran through my mind. The first and most important one was.. What the hell am I supposed to do now?

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