Set Me Free (Now complete!!)

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This is another "beast" book I have written. And it is now complete!!!! Check it out. The prologue of it isn't the best but I swear it gets better!


A witch!

How did this even happen? How did I not see?

I looked up at the woman I thought I could once love. She was still breathtakingly beautiful. Only now, you could see the evil seeping through. It was like a cloud surrounded her and enveloped her in it's embrace. I lifted my arms to shield my eyes as a blasting light went through the sky. After a moment, I slowly removed them hoping my sight would come back to me. Opening my eyes, I slid back a little from the force of her glare and the hatred that was upon her face.

Her long blonde hair was flying around her while her once gorgeous blue eyes had turned to ice. Her memorable smile had turned to a sneer while she looks down her nose at me as if I'm nothing but an insect.

"I trusted you!" She yelled, raising both of her hands up slowly, creating the ground to shake.

I can't help but tremble as I realize what a mistake I have made by courting this woman. "I never lied to you, Veronica!" I screamed back, starting to worry for my life.

"But you did!" She spit towards me.

"No! I didn't." The wind had started to pick up and I could hear thunder in the distance. Lightening struck right by her side and I scrambled back as she merely smirked my way. "I tried to love you Veronica. I tried to be the man you wanted me to be, but that's not who I am! Where is the sweet beautiful woman who took my breath away, huh? I liked you, I really did. But don't you see, I can't love. No matter how hard I try or how much I want to. My body won't let me do it. I didn't want to drag you along and make you think there was more. That's why I ended things between us!" I tried to explain everything as fast as I could. I tried to make her listen!

I watched as she threw her head back laughing maliciously. The sound sent shivers down my spine as I tried to keep myself together.

"I loved you, Brayden! And this is how you repay me? You thought you were just gunna get to walk away with no harm done, right? Just leave me in pieces while you carried on with your life without a care in the world? Well, your wrong!"

And just like that my heart broke for the woman standing in front of me. She didn't believe me, but could I blame her? She was wrong though. I did care, probably too much. I just didn't love. Never had and with the way things were going right now, I probably wouldn't ever find out if I was able to. It was like that part of me was missing. That one emotion that my body seemed to refuse. That's why I searched for it, yearned for it. I had felt moments of being loved but I had never felt moments of being the one who loved. Maybe something was wrong with me..

The wind picked up more as the lightening and thunder became more frequent. I snapped my eyes shut as I felt the world beneath me start to tremble once more.

"I never meant to hurt you." I whispered, but somehow knew she would be able to hear me. Her laugh had me looking at her once more. My eyes windened when I noticed she was no longer completely on the ground, but instead, hovering above.

"You messed with the wrong girl!" She sent me an evil smile before throwing her hands up towards the air and then flinging them towards me.

The last thing I saw was Veronica crumbling in a heap on the ground before everything went black.

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