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I stretched as I tried to fully wake up. Getting out of bed, I headed to the bathroom to take a shower. I did my normal morning routine of washing, drying off, and brushing my teeth. I left my hair alone since it was naturally straight. After getting dressed in some jeans and a loose fitting shirt I made my way to the kitchen. Austin was no where in site, but on the stove was a plate of pancakes, eggs, and bacon. I smiled. He had cooked for again.

I jumped, a little startled when the front door slammed. Austin stomped his way into the kitchen, and paused to glare menacingly at me. I gulped. He was wearing a black t-shirt that hugs his chest, and concealed his wings. Sweat beaded down his face, making him glisten. His blue and green eyes stared at me with hate. What did I do this time?

"You lied!" He gritted out, giving me a peak of his small fangs.

"What do you mean?"

"Would you like to explain why the front tire has a hole in it and the break lines were tampered with?" I felt my heart rate quicken, and shook my head.

"What really happened yesterday?"

I shook my head again. I didn't want to tell him. I didn't want to have to think about what could of happened. I was already weak in his mind. Why would I add on more points for him to hate me more? I already had a nightmare about it last night. It was too much. I could feel his grimy hands on my skin. I remember the sound of my shirt ripping from my body. His sinister smile, and the evil glint in his eyes. The way his tongue ran along his lips, as he looked me over with hungry, lust filled eyes. When he cupped my chest right before he was ripped from me. How the man behind me had licked my ear. They taunted me. They were pleased I was scared. It had turned them on. It was disgusting.

"Tell me. Now!" His voice raised, making me jump a little.

"I can't." I whispered. "Don't make me, please!" I knew this would just make him angrier, but I couldn't. Wouldn't.

Faster then I could process, the bandage tied on my arm was ripped off. I rushed to cover it up with my hand, but it was too late.

"Who did this?" He studied me. His tall frame loomed over me, as I sat in the chair. Tears came to my eyes. I would not let them fall. I was stronger than that. Nothing had actually happened. Maybe I was weak.

"It doesn't matter." I could barely hear my voice, but I knew he heard me clearly.

"How the fuck does it not matter?"

I felt something inside me snap. I jumped from my chair so quickly, it fell over. I narrowed my eyes, and gritted my teeth. My fist clutched together, and I took a step forward.

"It doesn't matter because they are dead! You killed them." My voice was low, but harsh. I was trying to keep my cool, but failing miserably.

"What happened?" He tried again.

I scoffed and through my hands in the air. He just wouldn't let it go. "They tried to molest and rape me. Is that what you wanted to here? They tampered with the car, and then pulled me out of it. That's how I got this." I raised up my bruise arm. "I ran. I ran as fast as I could. They still caught me. They ripped my shirt off of me, and touched me. Are you happy?" At this point, I was seething. I took him by surprise by yelling, and watched as his eyes widened and he took a step back.

"They taunted me. They laughed at me. They took pleasure that I was weak. I didn't think you would come. You would be glad to be rid of me. Now you know. I told you. For now, leave me the fuck alone."

His eyes widened more as I cursed. I turned and stomped my way back to my room. I rarely get mad, but when I do, I burst. I crumpled on the bed. My head fell into my hands and I sobbed. I let the stress of the past few days wash over me. I cried for all I was worth. I cried because I knew I would never be able to go home. I wouldn't be able to see my friends. I couldn't work. My home would be sold. My life would be for nothing. Austin would kill me, and if he didn't, I would just be stuck here anyways. I would never have freedom again.

This would be the last time I would let myself break. Later, I would walk back in there and say thanks for breakfast, and I would smile. I would laugh. I would go back to my original self, that annoyed the shizniz out of Austin.

I wouldn't worry about anything anymore. My future was set. I would either be killed, or just be held captive. It could be worse. At least I had some freedom to walk the house and stuff. I would just be alone. I had food to eat, a bed for sleep, and a shower to keep clean. I was lucky. That is what I would focus on for now on.

I must of fallen asleep, because I woke up to a knock on my door.

"Come in." I groaned, rolling over to face the window and closing my eyes again. I was too comfortable to get up. I snuggled back into my covers, and listened as the door opened.

Austin didn't make a sound as he came and sat on the bed. I wasn't going to talk first, he is the one who came to me. I was a little surprised though when I felt him lay beside me. The side of his body was up against my back. We didn't talk, the comfortable silence started to lull me back to sleep.

I could feel Austin's eyes on me. It was a little nerve wracking but I was too tired to question it. I was almost fully asleep, when I felt him shift on the bed and realized his chest was now to my back. My eyes fluttered a moment when I felt one of his hands gently rubbing my hair. I didn't have the strength to ask what was up with his sudden mood change. At the moment, I didn't even care. As he continued to stroke my hair, I fell into a peaceful, nightmare free, slumber.

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