A Nashville Morning

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Taylor and Joe haven't been dating for that long. Their families know that the two are dating but they haven't met yet.
Taylor spents this years Christmas with her family in Nashville and Joe with his family in England.

December 23, 2016
At Andrea's House

Joe's P.o.V

"Good morning, babe."

Talyor slowly turns around and gives me a weak smile. She looks very sleepy and but just so beautiful.

"Hey", she answers and kisses me.

I stand up and pull a shirt over my head and put some joggers on.

"Where are you going?"

"Making you some coffee, darling"

He smiles at me one again and I head down stairs.

"Why are you awake this early", Andrea asks.

"Well, I can't sleep anymore and I got lots of stuff to do today. And you?", I answer while pouring some coffee into Tay's favorite mug.

"Ughh. Don't even ask. Christmas preparations are keeping me awake since weeks!"

"I know my mom's been talking about how stressful that can be all the time."

"When are you leaving?"

"Well, I have to be at the airport at 9 pm."

"It's so sad that you have to leave already. Next time we will celebrate all together."

I go back upstairs and I hand taylor her coffee.

"What has been taking you so long, babe?", she asks.

"Your mom is already awake and we talked for a bit."

"Why is she already awake? What did you guys talk about?"

"She told me that she couldn't sleep because of Christmas preparations."

"I will check on her", she says while standing up. She takes her coffee mug with her and walks downstairs.

I go over to the closet to choose today's outfit. I took a jeans, underwear, socks and a dark blue shirt out and walk over to the bathroom to get ready for the day.

I take my wallet and the keys and join Andrea and Taylor in the kitchen. Taylor is leaning against the kitchen counter with her mug close to her lips, talking to her mom.
I put my arma around her waist and she turns to me, leaving the coffe mug on the counter.
She puts her arms around my neck and asks: "Where are you going?"

"I'm going down town to get some things done."

"Okay. When will you be back? I wanna spent some time with you before you leave tonight."

She looks at me with her electric eyes and her soft face.

"I will be back in time. I promise."

"I love you."

"I love you", I say. She leans in for a kiss which is surprising. Not like a bad surprise but she hasn't kissed me infornt of her mom yet.

"Bye babe", I whisper into her ear while kissing her on the cheek.

"Bye", she says and kisses me again.

"Bye, Andrea."


Taylor's P.O.V

"You two guys have more chemistry than fireworks"

"Well...", I say and chuckle while my cheeks are slightly blushing.

"Are you happy, honey?"

With the biggest smile on my face I say: "Yes. I truely am."

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