Next Morning

365 29 7

December 26, 2016

I wake up as usual and first have a long cuddle with the cats. Then I walk down to poor some coffee in my mug.
My parents and Austin are already at the dining table waiting for me to start breakfast.

"How are you doing?", dad asks.

"I'm good dad. And you?"

"I'm good too. Thanks."

"Has Joe answered your call yet?", mom asks.

"No he hasn't yet. I guess he's busy."

Suddenly it knocks on the door. I don't know who that could be. It might be Selena. She said she wanted to come over to hand out.

"Isn't it to early for Selena?",mom asks me.

"Yes actually. She said she wanted to be here by 1 pm. I guess decided to stop by earlier."

I walk over to the door to open it. I can't believe who's standing on the other side of the door.


I squeak and jump into Joe's arms hugging him tight.
After a good long hug I let go off him.

I take his hand and walk over to the dining table. Austin stands up and walks over to greed him.

"What are you doing here mate?"

"Well actually I came here to do this..."

He pulls we over under the mistletoe that's hanging down at the interior archway and kisses me.

After the kiss he leans down to my ear and whispers: "Merry Christmas, darling."

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