Christmas Day

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December 25, 2016
Taylor's P.o.V

I wake up at 9 am with the smell of cinnamon and cookies in my nose. I stretch and look next to me where Joe is missing. It's only been two days but I'm missing him like it's been a month. Instead I notice two fluffy balls lying next to my feet.

"Merry Christmas, Ladies!"

Olivia stands up and crawls in my direction. I pet her until Meredith joins us.
After good 10 minutes of cuddling with the cats I finally make my way downstairs with my most comfy Chritmas Pyjama on.

"Good Morning Mom, Good Morning Dad and Merry Christmas."

I go over to hug them both.

"Good Morning, sweetie. Someone's happy this morning, huh?"

"Why shouldn't I? It's Christmas my favorite holiday."

"Merry Christmas, honey", my mom replies.

I make my way to the kitchen, grabbing a cookie.

"These are so good, mom"

"Thanks, honey."

I take my phone out of my pocket and text Joe. I know he's asleep but I just feel the need to text him right now.

"Good Morning, babe. Well I guess it'll be morning when you read this message. I hope you have the most amazing time with your family. I'm really sad that you can't be with me today, that we can't celebrate together but just so you know, I'm thinking of you all the time. Seriously I know how cheesy this sounds but it's true. I love you so much and I miss you. PS: I dreamt about kissing you under the mistletoe."

Omg this is way to cheesy but I send it to him anyway.

"Why are you smiling like that? Why she smiling like that honey?", my dad asks my mom.

"I assume she's texting Joe, am I right?"

"Huh, what?", I reply surprised.

"She is", my moms tells my dad.

He just chuckles at my reaction.

It's tradition that we first exchange presents and then have a nice breakfast together. Austin was with his girlfriend yesterday. He's still there so he will join us later this day. We decided we would wait for him with the presents so we just start with breakfast. Mom already prepared everything. Pancakes, bacon, eggs and sausages. She also made eggnog. My moms eggnog is my favorite.

I hear keys in the look and jump up from the seat.


"Hey big sis. I missed ya."

"Missed you too!"

I pull him into a big tight hug.

We sit down at the dining table and finish our breakfast. We then all take a seat on the couch right next to the Christmas tree. It's really looking beautiful this year.
First Austin and I exchange gifts then our parents. Then it's our turn giving them their gifts. Actually this year Austin and I sat together for a present for them. It turned out to be a huge collage with family photos of our family trips around the world.

Mom and Dad gifted me a nice cozy sweater with a matching pair of socks. I really love this kind of stuff.

"Taylor, where is Joe by the way?", Austin asks me. He absolutely wasn't here for the last week. He doesn't know that Joe left.

"Joe is with his family in London celebrating."

"Such a bummer."

"Yeah. I really miss him though."

"You really fell for him, huh?"

"I guess I did", I answer him.

I look down at my hands and take a deep breath before I look up again.

"I guess that's it with presents this year", dad says looking at the tree.

"Well actually...", mom stands up and reaches behind the stem. She walks over to me and hands me a small teal colored back. It's says 'Tiffany & Co.' on the front.

"Mooom... You didn't have to buy me this."

She smiles at me and says: "I didn't."

I'm looking at her with confusion.

"Joe did."

I look at her with fully opened eyes of surprise.

"He did what? How?"

"He got it and gave it to me to give it to you today. Now open. I think you'll like it."

I look down at the bag then to my mom, she smiles at me. When I look over to dad and Austin they both look as confused and surprised as I am. They had no idea either.
I reach into the bag and take out a little box. When I open the box I can't believe my eyes. It's a beautiful shiny silver necklace. It has a 'J' engraved on the front. I almost start crying. I never received anything like that, ever.

"Turn it around", mom says.

As I do so I can't hold back my tears.

"Forevermore...", I quietly say to myself.

"He said that you would know."

"Of course I do. How could I ever forget", I say my voice breaking.

"I... Sorry... I need to call him. Like now", I stutter. Taking the necklace with me upstairs.

I look down at the necklace in my hand while I sit on my bed and dial his number. As expected it's his voicemail.

"Hey Joe. I... I actually don't know what to say. Knowing that I'm taking to your voicemail I assume your already asleep. I mean of course you are it's the middle of the night in the U.K. Okay why am I this weird. Sorry. I texted you the most chessy message. I guess I just want to tell you that.... The necklace. It's perfect. You are perfect. I actually speechless right now. I miss you and I wish you were here. Just know that I love you more than anything and that I'm looking forward to next time we're together."

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