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I told Taylor I would be going down town which is not exactly where I'm going. I have to drive good 1 hour and 30 minutes to get to my actual destination which is a Tiffany & Co. Store. I called them about 2 weeks ago and asked if they could make a special necklace for my girlfriend. They said yes and I told them my idea.
I'm so excited how it turned out.
On the way to the store I decided to listen to this beautiful song Taylor recorded a month ago. I remember her handing me an envelope with my name on it. In it was a Polaroid of her. It said: "How would you feel having a song written about you?", dated November 2016. I thought it was the cutest thing ever. No one ever wrote a song about me, at least not one I know about. It was I feeling I never felt before. The feeling of being truely loved from someone, someone else than your own parents.
I connect my phone with the car and play the memo.

Ocean blue eyes looking in mine,
I feel like I might sink and drown and die...
You're so gorgeous I can't say anything to your face..
Cause look at your face..
You're gorgeous....

She told me that she would love to out that song on her new album and make it a single so everybody would know how she feels about me.

It's very flattering to me and not only because I know she never did that for any of her exes.
There really is a special connection between us.

I decide to give her a call and tell her how special she is to me.

"Hey babe."

"Hey what's up? Did something happen? Are you okay?", she asks and I can clearly hear that she's worried.

"No, I'm good. Everything's fine. I just wanted to tell you that I'm so glad we met. It's only been 3 months but you've already chenged my life completely. I love you."

She doesn't answer. And I don't know rather to be concerned or not.


I can hear her sobbing.

"Yeah. Sorry... It's just...uhm...sorry..."

"It's okay"

"... it's just... no one every said that to me before. The way you made me feel the last 3 months is so different from what I've ever felt before. And I'm so glad we met too. I love you Joseph."

A enormous smile appears on my face. It wouldn't dissappear for the rest of the ride.

I'm can already spot the huge "Tiffany & Co. " sign from far away meaning I'm almost there.
I'm so excited for the final result.

I'm parking the car and enter the store. I love that we are keeping our relationship private. No one know that we are dating so there's absolutely no paparazzi here.

In the store a young woman comes my way immediately.

"Good Morning Sir. What can we do for you?"

"Good Morning. I'm here to pick up a necklace for my girlfriend."

"Oh I remember the necklace. It's beautiful. I'm sure she will love it. Please follow me."

I follow her to the counter where she hands me a tiny teal bag which says "Tiffany & Co." in a black font.

"Take a look."

I open the bag and pull out a little also teal box. I open it and see the necklace.

It's a beautiful shiny silver round necklace. It has a J engraved on the front and in the back it says "forevermore".
It's what she said to me when we first met. I can't believe that it's been this year that I met the love of my life.

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