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Right after picking up the necklace I drive back.

My phone is ringing. It's Taylor and I can't help but smile.


"Hey babe, what are you doing?", I ask her.

"Nothing. Just lying here. Reading a book..." her voice becomes slower and more quite.
"... thinking about you..", she continues.
"... I can't wait until you're back."

"Uhm... Wow...", I stutter. I wasn't expecting anything like that. I begin to sweat.

I stay quite for just a few seconds. I image what will happen when I'm back.
I press the gas. Only 10 minutes left.

"Joe? You still there?"

"Yeah. Sorry, honey.."

I'm pretty sure I'm fully covered in sweat now.

"I will be back soon, babe...", I say in a charming voice.

"Uhhh, babe huh? I hope soon won't take that long", she says making me smile.

We hang up.
10 minutes later I finally arrive.

I had time to calm down a bit during the ride. I leave the necklace in the car because I know Taylor is waiting for me.

As I'm a bout to look for my keys in my pocket the door opens. Taylor is standing there just wearing my shirt.
Without any further words I grab her waist and pull her close to me. I look her deeply in the eyes.

"I missed you."

We kiss greedily while she pulls me inside and closes the door. She pushes me against the back of the door and takes of my jacket.

"I missed you more", she moans into my ear.

I turn around and push her against the door.

"Bet?", I answer, kissing her neck.

I can hear her breathing heavily.

She interrups the kiss. We look into each other's eyes breathing heavily. We both chuckle about this situation.
I still have her pressed against the door. She leans in for a kiss again. This time it's not greedy it's filled with love and passion. I make my way down to her neck again. Then I stop, go up her neck. My hot breath gives her goosebumps, I can feel that. I got to her ear and whispers: "Upstairs!"

A soft moan escapes her mouth.

"I take that as a yes", I say.
I just now notice that she closed her eyes leaning her head against the door, with a smirk on her face.

I pick her up and carry her upstairs.

I almost drop her when I see Andrea standing in the door frame of her room.

"Andrea, Hi.... Uhmm"

Andrea can't hold back her laugh.
I nervously laugh at the situation and I can see the embarrassment in Taylor's face.

"Calm down you two. You're looking at me like I'm a cop and you did something illegal. I hope you did not though."

A moment of silence follows until Taylor breaks it.

"So I'm just gonna....", she starts pointing to her room.

Andrea and I are staring at each other until Taylor fully disappeared into her room.

Andrea's P.o.V

"Let's go downstairs", I whisper pointing to the stairs.

Joe nods and he follows me downstairs.
I told me something about a present for Taylor he wanted to pick up today.

Joe says that the present is in his car so I follow him outside.

"Sorry about earlier though", he slightly blushes.

"Chill, it's okay. It's good to see her happy again. Actually I've never seen her THAT happy ever."

I smile over at him and he smiles back with a genuine smile. After Joe grabs something out of his car we go back in.

On the kitchen island he hands me a teal back which says "Tiffany & Co." in black font.
I open the bag and take out a little box. In the box is a round silver shiny necklace with a "J" engraved in the front.

"Omg. Joe this is so cute. She never got anything like that. She's gonna be so happy."

"Turn it around", he says with a charming smile.

I turn it around with a bit of confusion.

"Why 'forevermore' ?"

"It's what she said to me when we first met in May. You know, I won't be able to be with her all the time but meanwhile she has a necklace so she knows I'm always with her."

I start tearing up a little.

"You okay? Yes. Yes, more than that. She's so lucky to have you. I'm happy she has you. That she finally found someone who really likes her for her and not her for her reputation or fame. I've never seen anyone care more about her that you do. And I can tell eventhough you've only been dating for a few months that you are the right one for her. Her soulmate, her future husband and the future father of my grandchildren."

You comes around the kitchen island and just hugs me. A tight warm hug.

"Thank you", he mumbles quietly.

"Tell me, when are you going to give it to her? You won't be here on Christmas Day."

"Well actually that's what I wanted to ask you. Can you give it to her on Christmas Day?"

"It would be a pleasure Joe."

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