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Life is such a scary and overwhelming mistress of doom.

You gotta figure out what you want and what to do to get it. In fact, your entire life is built upon actions and plans to justify and create the future you want. Maybe if you're lucky you reach your goal and be contented in what you have. But how long will that contentment stay?

What do yo do when you reach your goal only to find it wasn't as fulfilling as you hoped to be?

Do you just continue on planning and creating other things?

Is that really enough to fill the void in your heart?

Regardless of whether or not these philosophical questions have rational answers, Phoenix Wright would rather ignore them.

Phoenix was a young teenage boy of the tender age of 17 with no goals in life. Most of his days are spent wasting away to his own never-never land where he dreams of things he knows that will never happen.

He has a nice and caring family but sometimes they just worry for Phoenix's sake. They ask him questions like "what do you want to be when you grow up" or like "Are you planning to go to university? or do you want to start working immediately?".

To Phoenix's parents' dismay, the answer is always the same "I dunno".

Phoenix was just pacing around his own room with music blasting out music to help him emerge in his own thoughts. But alas, his parents wanted him to something else.

"Phoenix, Dear, Please open up the door for our guest" His parents yelled for him as the front door roared an audible knock.

Phoenix couldn't really recall any plans of having guest over. If there WAS guest coming over then his mom would of nagged to him for hours to clean his mess of a room.

While walking up to the front door to twist the knob, Phoenix couldn't help but imagining who could be behind this unfashionable lanky door?

An old relative?

The neighbors?

A house flipper?

Wait, were they moving somewhere else? Did these mean that Phoenix had to make new friends? Will he have to redo the semester? The worst and the most important of all, is the restroom as dirty as the on in his school or is it even worst?!?

Snapping back to reality, Phoenix took a deep breath and twisted the door knob open.

To Phoenix's surprise the man waiting behind the door wasn't even a man to begin with. Just like him, it was a young teenage boy who looked about the same age as him.

The boy at the other side of the unfashionable lanky door held his head up high with a firm yet kind expression in his face. He stood across Phoenix with a confidence as big as his sling bag that was filled with books.

Phoenix gawked at the boy with awe. It's not everyday you find a person who seems to know what goals they want to achieve in life. 

Phoenix's parents came rushing towards the door, eager and ready to go to work. A smile curved upon Phoenix's mother face, "good morning sweetie, seems that you finally met your tutor"

Phoenix had a small moment of silence to process his mother's statement. Then it finally dawned upon him,

"Tutor?" Phoenix asks with somewhat of a hurt tone.

Of course Phoenix felt glad to receive some kind of context of the situation, but is seemed like it raised more questions than answer. Did his parents think he was too stupid to study on his own?

It maybe true that Phoenix wasn't the sharpest tool on the shed, but he didn't think he was dull enough to actually need a tutor.

Phoenix feeling hurt by the situation, yelled "DO YOU REALLY THINK I NEEDED A TUTOR!". His mom being terrified, couldn't properly respond and stammered an incomprehensive response. Phoenix angrily stomped upstairs as he hears his father yelling at him for his behavior.

At least, these were one of the few possibilities that could of Phoenix gone through.

But rather than having some kind of rampage or understanding response, Phoenix just stood there completely aloof.  Phoenix's parents, not bothering to wait for his response, walked towards their car and said "guess will leave you to it".

Still unsure on how to respond, Phoenix watches his parent's car drift away slowly like how Phoenix was slowly realizing he needs to at least say something to the young boy at the other side of the lanky door frame.

He tried to invite the young boy in but only came off as horrible stammers.

Why is talking to yourself in daydreams a whole lot easier than talking to other people?

The boy at the other side of the lanky door frame, couldn't help but let out a small gentle chuckle. His gentle response suddenly flew right towards Wright, "No need to panic to much, I know how hard it is to talk to other people."

The boy let his hand adrift for Phoenix to reach and said, "It's nice to be acquainted with you Phoenix, my name is Miles Edgeworth"

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