Chapter Nine

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Marisha's POV

I woke up alone in the bed. Thank god!because I don't know how to face him now!!I am sore from yesterday. I don't know how many times we made love;.
I wrap the bed sheets around me . I saw a  patch of blood on the sheets. Heat rush to my cheeks.

I went to take bath.  After cleaning myself properly, I got ready in traditional Indian wear . I saw the sheet is changed now.

"Oh!!you are looking really pretty. Come downstairs. Your friends has come." Mom said with a smile.

I nodded and walked out with her.

While descending the stairs,  I saw my husband was talking to Seb and Cesc (Daniella's Fiancee) .

Xavier looked at me and I looked down.

"Good morning everyone " I greeted them.

Bella and Daniella came closer to me.

"You all go outside in the garden" . Mom said.

Me, Bella and Daniella went to the garden.

"Now!!Now!!Spill the beans.."Bella said to me with narrowed eyes.

"Look someone is blushing ". Daniella said .

"Stop both of you". I said while blushing.

"Tell me. How is he on the bed?" Bella asked with a sly smirk making me all red.

"How do you know?" I asked them being confused.

"Anyone can know seeing that glow in your face. " They giggled.

"Umm" " Is that really visible?" I asked in whisper.

"Xavier!!"Bella said looking at my behind.

I immediately looked back .

They were laughing their asses out now.
" look at your face!" "Ha hah hahahhahahha"

"Shut up you both!" I am embarrassed as hell .

"Come everyone...Breakfast is ready". Mom called out.

We all sat on the table. Me beside Xavier. I can feel his hand on my thighs rubbing it. I eyes went wide. I tried to remove his hand but his grip tightened. I was feeling myself getting hot .

"When is your flight?" Dad aka Joseph asked.

"Flight?""where are you going?"I asked Xavier in confusion.

"Our home" Xavier answered.

"We will leave  in the evening ". He said.

"You didn't tell me earlier " . I said.

He looked at me and said "you knew sooner or later.  We have to go."

The breakfast continued.

At evening

All is ready. After breakfast Xavier went for some work. And I spent the rest of time with Megha, Mom , MIL, Bella, Daniella.

I know I have to go but I never went out without my parents.  I t feels kinda weird but I am not crying.

After hugging goodbye to everyone, We left for my new home.

Walking into his private jet,I went into the cabin to take some rest.

Xavier was looking at my every step.

"What?" I asked him.

"Nothing.  You are looking gorgeous ". He nuzzled his head in my hair.

After kissing my forehead he left.

He is behaving strange today...

Soon we landed.

A limo was already waiting for us. Beside that there was a man.

"Good evening Sir and Ma'am. " That man greeted.

"Isha, He is my secretary Steve." Xavier informed.

"Good evening Steve." I greeted him back

Soon we left for his ooppss our house well more like mansion.

We both were really tired. So I went to our room and fell into a deep slumber. Xavier had gone into his study with Steve.

Christian's POV

"Tell me , Steve What is the update?" I asked feeling tired.

"Sir, We are tracing Bashir's location.  It seems like he is working for Russian mafia ."
He informed making my blood boil.

"Okay!!you can go now."I dismissed him and went to our room.

My wife is already sleeping there peacefully.  I changed into my boxer and lie down beside her pulling her closer to me. Sniffing her fair I too fall asleep.

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