Chapter 1

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"Calum, tonights a full moon. You know we can't go to that party." Ashton warns me. It's the same thing every time there is a full moon. Sweating, bones shifting, blood boiling, pain, and anger rising every second of the night. But I don't want to give in to the routine of locking myself up in chains, with three people who will be in the same pain as me. There are always going to be other parties on different nights, but this is the chance to test my tolerance.

"Can't we just try for once? Can't we just try to fight the turning while still being out?" I ask Ashton.

"No!" He says with a stiff finger in front of my face.

"You know the deal. Anything that can get you excited or angry, will make you shift or at least want to." He says while walking off. I try to keep up with him.

"The full moon makes it harder for us to control ourselves Calum. There are other parties we can go to. Just not this one. I'm sorry, but no Cal." He explains to me. We start walking to our underground barrier and meet Luke and Michael already by their corners. The walls are covered in claw marks, and Michael has a scar on his forehead from when Luke lost himself and scratched him.

As soon as I walk past the gate door to secure us from getting out -or anyone getting in- Ashton already latches my hancuffs on to my wrists and hooks it together with the walls. I get that Ashton is right about me not leaving under the full moon, but I don't want to listen. If he won't let me out tonight, I'll just breakout.

While Ashton gathers up Michael and Luke's chains, he makes sure that I'm the first he ties up. Maybe because he thinks I'll do something stupid. Which is true. But before he turns to lock up Luke's chains, I quickly snatch the key from Ashton's pocket. When I hide the key from Ashton's sight, I notice that Michael sees me hide the key in my pocket. He starts to mouth the words 'what are you doing?' while Ashton tends to Luke's chains. I ignore him and only hope he doesn't rat me out to Ashton.

***The Full Moon Is Rising***

Now that everyone is chained up, the moonlight is now beeming into our barrier. That's usualy a sign that the moon is at its highest peak. Luke starts to scream in pain, Michael is bending backwards, and Ashton's eyes are glowing, while I am trying my hardest to keep calm.

"You really want to fight this don't you Cal?" Ashton says in an angry whispered tone.

"I know I can do this Ashton. I'm just trying to foc-" I'm distracted by the commotion coming from above ground. Our heightened hearing allows us to fully understand everything that's going on.

"W-what is that?" Michael says.

"I think it's the party." I suggest.

"It doesn't matter, they can't find us hear." Ashton speaks. His sweat is starting to make his hair damp, and hard for him to see.

"AH AH-HA-DAMN IT!!!" Luke shouts at the pain. His spinal cord is now breaking. I can hear the cracks moving in his body, and it's unbearable. I really feel sorry for the guy. He's the only one youngest of the group and has the hardest time trying to control the shifting.

Just last week we had a soccer game, Ashton kicked the ball to Luke, and he passed it to me, but not before the other team tripped him. Luke's eyes started to change into a bright orange. But I covered him from the opponent that tripped him, and Michael rushed him to go behind the school and relax. But at the rate he's in now, I wouldn't be surprised if he fully turned and howled at the moonlight.

Ashton starts to lay on his side, his back faceing me. I slowly pull out the key I grabbed from earlier, and Michael is just watching me. He starts the mouth off 'Go, he'll be fine' to me and I rush to put the key in the lock. Ashton hears the chains being unlocked and quickly gets up, but is held back from the chains that are attached to the wall.

"What the hell are you doing??!?!" He yells at me.

"I can't keep hiding here whenever there's a full moon! No, I'm going to up to that party." I spit back at him.

"You're going to get hurt, or worse you'll hurt someone else!" He keeps speaking the truth, but I know I won't let that happen.

"I'm sorry Ash." I tell him. And I run for the gate.

"Calum! No! Calum!!" I hear him. Then stop when I hear his roars. But I keep moving.

I finally break out and I'm hit with overwhelming screams of music, people running around a bonfire, and the smell of alcohol filling up my nose. My heart starts to beat fast and I drop to the ground. My breathing gets heavier and I feel a soft hand on my shoulder. I calm myelf again and get up. I turn around and see a girl looking into my eyes. She's shorter than me, beautiful hair, her eyes are illuminating, and I can see the reflection from her cup within them.

"Hey, are you okay, you looked like you were going to pass out?" She says to me. I have no words.

"Uh, yeah. I'm fine. Are you new here? I've never seen you before." I ask her. I know it came out blunt, but I want to get to know her. She just seems so, different.

"Uh, yeah. I'm Alison." Shes wearing a black NIRVANA T-shirt but ripped sleeves turned into a muscle shirt, black shorts her hair staright with a forest green beanie, and Vans. She made forget about the full moon.

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