#Swooned for love-Y/N

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Your POV:
Today Luka is coming over and we are gonna have a movie date at the mall and we're picking him up at 9PM. I already took a shower this morning so instead I came home and make sure everything is tidy up and cleaned for Luka to come over now that his game is over I watched it on tv last night and it was a victory win. After making everything clean Luka comes through the door and I say "come in". I say and I went to the door Really estactic to see Mr.Doncic my boyfriend. Luka comes in and runs up to me and picks me in a hug and kiss and he sat me down gently so I wouldn't fall without making an injury I make sure that Lucy is In charge this time since she isn't feeling well. I think she might of had a fever or maybe a bad case of the stomach flu outbreak and no offense she had to stay home. After heading to her room I Quickly walk down the stairs and we both headed out to our date which is Quite the experience I may have and this is so embarrassing now that we have a movie date in the theater I mean it a lot of people including me maybe asking him Questions for me I don't really care about it but he still plays basketball.
(Another time skipped)
As we both to make it to the cinema he puts on his shades on so no one wouldn't look exactly at him especially someone who really stalks him a lot. We both got out of the car and Luka goes to the other side in the car trying to pick me up bridal style then off we go those few minutes are in heaven when we both held hands besides that We have his friend Kristaps with us to make sure we don't do anything bad how great is that for him to treat his friend over with us to a movie date on public.

After we brought our ticket we finally made it to the cinema and started taking our seat i knew how the movie theater is like for me it's really dark and scary and plus Luka almost tripped a few steps of stairs when we almost made our way up I try...

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After we brought our ticket we finally made it to the cinema and started taking our seat i knew how the movie theater is like for me it's really dark and scary and plus Luka almost tripped a few steps of stairs when we almost made our way up I try to help him up and he feels a bit woozy this time I don't know what is going on with him but it feels like he must of not ate that burrito too much yesterday from Boston. My answer is never order a bean sized burrito from Taco Bell done and done. After a few flights of stairs Luka finally sat down and we both helped him out so he wouldn't feel dizzy I don't what is happening to him. Kristap his teammate taps on my shoulder and says to me "what ever you do don't move I think he is gonna pass out". He said in the seat next to me an Luka I try to take a deep breath and try to stay calm like I wouldn't have this fear of panic coming out of me. Once everything is taken care of I responded to Luka and he puts his arms around me and says to me "I'm not feeling well I think I need to go to the bathroom". He said once he got out of the seat he ran a few flight of stairs to the restroom looking like he was about to throw up. I freak out and tried what I could do as a good girlfriend for me I never seen him have a stomach flu this morning I guess the players did some harm to it which is not good maybe they want Boston to win.

Luka's POV:
I got out of my seat and finally made a few flight of stairs so I could hog the restroom again thinking what is wrong with my symptoms today. Y/N answered me and I felt like I wasn't feeling at well this morning ever since the game was done against the Celtics me and Kristaps had a Taco Bell bean burrito and it didn't set me well. When I got out of the cinema I ran to the nearest restroom and ran in my fastest pace to the stalls and went in and ended up throwing up in the toilet. My answer is I swear that team Is up to something and all they want is to win that victory win to the finals. Then I heard Y/N and Kristaps in the door and he comes in and say "Luka are you okay and I just hit a nostril". He said once I was done throwing up I came up with something and started feeling warm oh no we have a game tomorrow and if things don't go well I might just miss it and I don't want our team to loose. Then we both went out of the bathroom and I Quickly sat in the floor with all three of us talking together to calm me down. I started to cry and say to y/n "Y/N baby I'm not feeling well can I please use a barf bag I th-think I'm about to be sick". I said then a huge fan comes up to me and all three of us so we they could know me more. Wow they did recognize me way more now that I had the flu and I heard Y/N say "not now people he is not really feeling well here Kris give me the barf bag and a tissue stack". She said trying to the best for me I love her so much that she would always be there for me now that we kept knowing each other more we all decided to have a movie date tonight and now it became and udder disaster out of the woods. Now I know how it feels and for us we have a game tomorrow against the Miami Heat and we have to win but now I just feels like I'm not gonna attend the game tomorrow night and plus without me making the win for our team this would make us loose to our rivals.

To be continued Stay tuned for part 2!

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