I'll miss you so much-Y/N

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Your POV:
I woke up out of the bed and today is the big day we're I will spend time with the girls alone and I'm so excited then beep beep beep here goes my alarm clock ringing I got out of the bed and it felt like I was having mild contractions while bending down and it was on the pain in the Butt. then Luka wakes up and says "Y/N what happened are you okay it feel likes your blowing up lately". He said I asked him what it was but it feels like a normal pregnancy I just had I knew this baby is growing bigger and I can't hold it in longer I was shock. then i went to the bathroom and started taking a shower afterwards I  did my hair and makeup once Luka was awake he went downstairs and started cooking me some breakfast before I head to Gabbie's house I like how this works I mean it I deserve more of a vacation and that having to have a break from him is what I needed so far and that this could be best for the baby. Then I went to my closet and went past multiple outfits I decided to wear

After I got changed I put my bag downstairs and started eating my breakfast it turns out that we are having a breakfast bowl today I love him so much then i gave him a hug and kiss that all couples deserves

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After I got changed I put my bag downstairs and started eating my breakfast it turns out that we are having a breakfast bowl today I love him so much then i gave him a hug and kiss that all couples deserves. "So what is for breakfast Babe". I said then Luka looks up to me and says "oh about that I just made some scrambled eggs for breakfast just the way you like it to be". He said then he comes around me putting his arms around my waist and leaving soft kisses around my cheeks around my face and also my lips the way they looked was perfect he looks up to my belly and starts tickling it I couldn't keep still I tell him to stop but I kept on laughing I knew his smile is the one that make me laughs the most but he is such a cutie and a big strong softie to look at his eyes are dreamy and  i couldn't stop staring at it. Once our moment was done I finished up my food and started heading upstairs to get my stuff ready now that everything is packed. I went downstairs and Luka grabs his car keys including his duffle bag so he wouldn't be late for practice today I knew it's traffic out there and plus we are still making our way to the airport to meet up with Gabbie and Taila since we are going on a girls getaway I love that so much now that it's the three of us alone but probably Luka is more likely to be next since his Brithday is coming up and that they get to go to Disneyland hopefully the baby will eventually come any time soon but it must be a huge milestone for me now that we are expecting.  After putting the bags in the trunk Luka turns on his engines and stormed off to the airport so I wouldn't be late for my flight I texted Gab and tell us that I am almost making my way now that doctors declared that I am ready to travel by plane I got ready this time and this time I bring my pre vitamins with me and i love it so much that I felt so much better and ended up not having morning sickness at all week. After a worth of rush hour traffic we finally made it to the airport and I see my girls standing there saying "Omg is this a surprise Y/N I miss you so much". "I know right it has been 2 weeks but the good new is oh don't spoil it luka again if you have something to say". I said then my girls look at my belly and I knew they were excited now that Luka has a game to catch this morning the girls he stands next to me and says "Y/N I'm gonna go now you guys have fun and I guess this it I'll see you after two week Love you". He said then he hugs me around my waist and we both looked at each other faces only leaving some kisses around my lips I knew he fall for a deep kiss but that was a really special gift now that I am expecting my first child I don't know what to expect now that the doctors declared me to travel but we are gonna have so much fun. "Okay babe I will I promise and by the way when you get to my house here's the keys to the front door and I guess I'll see you after 2 weeks Love you too luka and if you have a game to catch remember just give me a call. He said then we both leaned back and blow kissed at each other for the first time some how I'll miss him so much that we will be 4 hours apart from each other and it's so sad to say goodbye I hope he will be okay in Texas by himself but he does have Kristaps with him and that he will always come over to my house for a sleepover and that they have been at it for a week now since Luka has moved out of the house and lived with me now that the baby is on the way. After saying a emotional goodbye he storms off and me and the girls checked our bags and started going through TSA to get to our gate after a few minutes past I sat down in the chair and wait for Gab to put on her shoes and bummer it took so long  don't know what to expect but I think she laughed then I looked at her and say "gab do you have a hard time putting on your shoes". "I think I do Y/N I wish you could help me tie my shoe laces but since your pregnant I'll ask Talia to take over". She said then we both started laughing and I knew she had a pair of new vans she brought and it is hard to put on and take on thank god this a little different for me I'm wearing a pair of slips on and that it's easy to put on but since I couldn't bend I had to put them on sitting in the chair and it was finally free. Once Gabbie put her shoes on we both walked to the lounge area and started grabbing some thing to eat since My phone is racked up with so much messages I texted my sister and Luka since they are the ones important I miss him so much that we only had little time together I don't know how we are gonna chat by phone but will just have to wait and see. Once we sat down in the lounge area we grabbed a chair and I knew that my belly was growing bigger of course Gab and tails knew about the news but this means we are expecting but I don't know what the gender will be I think it's gonna be a boy since Lucy wanted a baby brother and that it's gonna be fun since they will get along I mean it my sister loves kids and that she did know how to make baby noises just like Luka he is the same exact as my younger sister but more different of course he always looks up at my belly and tells me if the baby is doing okay in there that means he is gonna be a good father when this baby is gonna come and that it had been a change since I announced my pregnancy on Instagram a week ago. Then Gab asks me "so Best is the baby is gonna be a Girl or a boy". "Hahaha I Don't know yet Gab I mean it you are my bestie and that I have been having Contractions lately this morning.". "Is it hard for you to wake up every morning since the baby is coming in my stomach". She said some how the girls looked at my belly and that I knew I was expecting but this a surprise now that we had alone time together if Gabbie had a boyfriend who wouldn't let her go out then he needed to go but now that she is single her life has changed ever since Tommy and her is not dating but for me and Luka our relationship is doing great and that we finally got along I love him so much that he means everything to me ever since we met and that hopefully by a few months he would bend down in his knees and ask me to marry him and I obviously do and hopefully when there is a wedding we decided to invite more guest and also have his teammates to be his groom men's how fun is that. After talking things out we both grabbed our bags and headed to our gate since we have 34 minutes until we start to board the plane I mean it I am so excited to go to Florida and bringing the heat is more fun but i don't want to risk going to the bar so instead we will just take it slow since I don't want Luka to get mad. Then we sat down in the seats and I went on my phone and he replies "I'm off to Practice right now baby have a safe flight love you and I'll talk to you tomorrow". He said then I replied back to him in my phone and i hope he wins if not there is better luck next time hopefully he'll try even though us girls have a vacation to catch. "Okay Babe I will I promise love you too". He said but somehow communicating through phone was the best I could find now that we have to chat in person I miss him so much but tomorrow he is off and the next day he has a game to catch hopefully it's not in Miami. Maybe that might be a surprise he could just stay in tight with me while the girls have fun. The story continues stay tuned!

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