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Lauren's POV

My mind doesn't quite process why people are pouring out of a building puddle of vans, cameras and microphones in hand, in front of the courthouse where I'm perched on the warm concrete steps. I frown, placing a hand against my forehead to shield my eyes from the sunlight as I look them over. Some part of me recognises them as reporters but bypasses the notion that they must be here for Camila, entirely forgetting that I'm not the only one who thinks that they know her. I'm reminded of that fact when the cameras start flashing, questions and names ringing out from the crowd until they become an indistinguishable din. Turning to look over my shoulder, I realise the doors to the courthouse have opened, allowing a small posse of blue uniforms to make their way out, among them, a flash of orange. Camila.

I leap to my feet, following the group down the steps and noticing Normani trailing behind by a step or two. After hurrying to catch up with her, I soon fall into her pace.

"What happened? Did they make a decision?" I ask, not able to tear my eyes from Camila, walking with her head down as the reporters reluctantly clear a path for the officers. My most burning question, ironically, slips out on a whisper. "Is she going to be alright?"

"Wait," Normani utters, gesturing subtly for me to leave her side before turning to the reporters. I frown, but step aside, waiting near a half-wall away from the crowd. "This is a very delicate time for my client. She is human, like the rest of us, and has asked for all details of the case to be kept private. We appreciate your respect for this decision." She states, ensuring that her attention moves over each reporter equally.

"Respect her?" One man calls out, pushing his way to the front until he is standing a step above Normani, glaring down at her. Still, he's just an inch or so above her height, even with the advantage. The cameras turn to him as he spits, "She is a monster. She deserves the death sentence."

Normani ignores him entirely, nodding to the other reporters. "Thank you. That is all." She slides away with ease, gently taking my elbow as she passes me. The reporters continue to ask questions, but she leads me away swiftly. Good thing, too, or I might've given that man a piece of my mind. Hearing his voice again, I peer over my shoulder to find him attempting to rile up the reporters. As he moves, his sleeve inches up, revealing a point of ink beneath his skin. My brows knit, recognising the shape, the location. Before I can confirm my suspicion, Normani pulls me around the corner.

"What happened?" I repeat immediately, turning my attention from the stranger onto the attorney.

Her mouth twitches as she bites the inside of her cheek, peering at me with a calculating look, before she throws her hands into the pockets of her pants and explains, "She spoke about her upbringing, and then about you." My eyelids flutter, lips parting. My unspoken curiosity to know what she said must come across anyway, for she laughs before continuing, "She told everyone how you were helping her 'be good'. Then, she realised you left... she seemed pretty upset." I grimace, only now realising what that must've seemed like for her, "Then Ortiz pulled a blindsider."

"What do you mean?"

"He, well, he asked for witness protection and confessed that he didn't want to come to court. Judge Ashtad adjourned the trial until tomorrow."

"What does that mean for you? For the case? Camila, will she-"

"I'm not sure yet. We'll have to see what else Ortiz has to say. Are you going to come?" I remain silent as my mind reels with this new information, so she continues without a response, "You should. You won't be able to see Camila until after the verdict, so you can't mess with the integrity of the trial."

"I don't know if I can," I admit, adding with a dry laugh, "Not without tape over my mouth."

She dips her head slightly to meet my lowered gaze. "You really should, Lauren."

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