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Camila is rocking slightly in her cell when I find her, eyes closed, arms wrapped tightly around her legs. When she hears the door shut behind me, her eyes fly open but don't meet mine. She takes a shaky breath and halts her movement.

"Come to say goodbye?"

My brows furrow. Did she mishear them? Is that why she's upset? "Camila, I- they found you not guilty, you're gonna go free."

She nods. "I know, exactly. You're done, right?" Her voice breaks, and I sigh, sinking down to sit on the mattress beside her. "I'm not used to goodbyes so you're better off just going."

"I'm not saying goodbye."

She frowns, looking over at me, though she doesn't raise her eyes from my crossed legs.

"I'm still your doctor until you get out of here," I explain, "and even when you're on parole, we can be friends, right?" I don't want that; I want much more, but I can't voice those thoughts. Not yet. Not until we know for sure that we're in the clear. "I still have to take you to the beach."

"You mean it?" She asks meekly, finally looks up to me.

"Of course."

"Even though..." she gulps, "Even though I can't be trusted? Even though I- I'm feral?"

I immediately recognise the words and reach over for her hand. "Hey, now. Don't listen to her."

"She's right, though." She scoffs, but begins to toy with my fingers.

"I don't think so. I think you're..." I struggle to find the right words, but she allows me a moment to think. "wonderful... beautiful, and considerate, and you did what you had to do to survive, like we all would."

"You wouldn't," she mumbles, barely parting her lips to speak. "You're strong."

I squeeze her hand in mine, gently reaching up to turn her to face me, cautious not to be rough. "You are the strongest person I've ever met, Camila. I know that, and all of those other people—"

She shakes her head quickly, arguing, "You're the only one who matters." In an instant, her lips are on mine. I'm shocked for a moment but quickly frame myself, softly cupping the side of her face, feeling her jaw move beneath my palm as she eagerly slides her lips across mine. "Can I tell you a secret?" she whispers into my mouth. I hum in affirmation, not wanting to break our delicate contact for even a second. Every one of her little touches sends shockwaves through me, but there's nothing like her kisses. "I never wanted you to run. I'm just scared. I want you to stay forever."

A grin spread across my face, only growing when she shifts to straddle my lap, her forehead pressed against mine. For just a moment, we're no longer in her cell but somewhere else, somewhere much more magical, somewhere normal. My words are rushed, lest they break the otherworldly feeling. "I know, baby. I will, I promise."

She smiles too, releasing my hand to loop hers in my hair as she straightens out her spine to kiss me from above, my now-free hand rests on her waist, which tenses slightly under my touch though she offers no resistance when my thumb moves in small circles.

"I..." she pulls back from the kiss, looking down at our laps for just a moment before looking back at me. She sighs and drops her shoulders; her smiles dulls a little, too, though I presume that it's simply because her cheeks ache, like mine have begun to. "I really like you, Laur."

Her hair is a little messier than usual, her lips puffy, her blue jumpsuit a tad more dishevelled as its collar hangs further over one shoulder than the other, revealing just a hint of her tattoo past the white strap of her tank top. Her eyes, ever sad and hopeful, pour her soul into the space between us, and I make sure to hold it gently, pressing one quick kiss to her soft lips. My lip pulls between my teeth to suppress the grin that I'm sure would be wider than socially acceptable. "I really like you, too."

She scoffs, donning a more playful look, and teases, "That's messed up, Doc."

"Hey!" I protest, though she's sent into a fit of giggles and falls into my chest. Even once her contagious laughter is over, she remains where she lays, and I keep my arms around her, gently rubbing up and down her back. This is the Camila I thought I'd find earlier; I'm glad I managed to coax her out.

She sits suddenly, looking over to the cell door behind her. "You, uh... should probably go home. It'll be kind of late; they'll kick you out soon."

I can't help but sigh, but a glance to my watch tells me she's right. "Shall I come back tomorrow?" I ask, tapping her side to signal for her to get off. She hesitates but soon rolls from my lap onto the mattress.

She nods, pouting as she watches me stand. "You should always come back tomorrow."

Looking down at her, I can't help but chew on my lip as I look past her face, down to her chest which rises and falls with every breath. Catching myself, I flash my eyes back to hers which glisten with knowledge of where I've been looking. I chuckle, bending down for one last kiss. "Then I will. See you tomorrow, Camila."

"Bye, Lauren," she hums, tucking her hands up under her head as she watches me.

I turn towards the door, then back to her. "You will be good, won't you? So you can get out early?"

She rolls her eyes. "I can't promise not to kill Hartley next time I see her, but I'll give it my best shot for you, Doc, don't worry."

I chuckle, shaking my head, and finally leave the room, my heart a little lighter now that I know I've cleared the air with her.

the case study ~ camrenWhere stories live. Discover now