Chapter two
New again
All of the sudden she fell asleep. Into a very very deep sleep. Helena's dream: 'Hello?' Whisperd Helena. 'Hey you know what they say let the good die young....u certainly died young...didnt you Helena?' Said a voice. 'Who the hell are you?! and how do you know about my death?' 'I know a lot about you my Helena.' Said the strange voice. Helena felt a rough hand on her chin trying to lift it. It was still very dark. Pitch dark. 'Never touch me again!!' Shouted Helena. 'Why am i here...?' Said Helena after awhile. Finally after a couple of more minutes of terrible darkness the tunnle had been presented by beautiful light. Helena was so happy. She absolutely dreaded the dark. What Helena saw next scared her the most. 'I know who you are?' Said Helena. Right then and there Helena woke up. "What a cracked up dream...made me feel high?' Helena realized she was by her old high school. She saw her school fountain. "Oh it's still there...wait i have only been dead a day...hee hee." Helena laughed at her own joke. "What if people see me like this....wait i'm dead." She mumbled under her breath. Helena sat down and tried to feel the water with her hand, but her hand just simply went through it. She felt horrible saddness over whelm her. "I can never touch anything again.... I have to get out of here!" Sobbed Helena. She was running when something caught her eye. Blonde spikey hair. And the most beautiful brown eyes in the world. Helena had never seen him before. Helena thought long and hard about it for a minute and then decided she would get a closer look at this beautiful creature. She wondered up close behind him to look at his cute spikey hair. She put her arms on his well bult shoulders. The boy felt the touch and turned around. Helena stepped back a little. The boy faced her and his face flushed. "I can see you." The boy said. "My name is Bentley and ever sence I was born i have been able to see and sence spirits." Helena was at owe. She had no idea what to say. 'Okay get a hold of yourself this boy can see you his name is Bentley he can see the dead...i'm not alone.' She thought happily to herself. "Okay, well hi, my name is Helena and i died in the West Coast Building's fire. I feel alone most of the time but the moment i saw you...I felt the need to talk to seems that fait has brought us together." Helena spoke. She hoped he could help her find peace or go to Jesus or whatever. For a couple of minutes Bentley was speechless only showing big brown eye's of sarrow. "Here come with me, Helena." Bentley took Helena's hand but his hand simply went through her's. Helena showed eye's of disappointment. "Oh I almost forgot to tell you Helena, not only was I born with powers to see the unknown but I can help them aswell. What I mean by this is I have powers and I could turn you into a human again if you wanted. Only for a short time though...would you like that?" Helena's big grey eye's were in wow. She felt so happy. Helena wondered how good it would feel to be a human again. "Yes Bentley, I would love that more then anything!!" shouted Helena. She wrapped her arms around him to hold him for a tight embrace but fell through him. "ugh...can we do that human thing now?" Helena asked. Bentley started to chuckle a little and said "Why of corse Helena." Helena started laughing as he lead her to a quit place where no body could hear them or see them. "Who are you talking to Bentley?" Said a girlish voice. Out of the school courner a tall curvey girl with Black hair and Blue eyes walked out. She was wearing a very short denim skirt and a very low cut top. "Oh Veronica what a surprise." Said Bentley with low enthusiasm in his voice. "Oh come on why can't we just go on a date. And then end up back at your place where we could lie on your bed and..." Veronica was cut off by Bentley saying. "Veronica I broke up with you because I felt that we were not right for eachother. Now go away I'm doing something." Veronica never took "no" for an answer. "Okay," she simply said. Veronica walked off. Bentley knew that something was defiantly up. "What was that all about?" Asked Helena. "Oh nothing she is just a really big control freak that's all." Spoke Bentley. Helena fallowed behind Bentley wondering when they would get to where ever they were going. "Here we are now, come close to me." Said Bentley, a light blush approaching his face. "Okay." Said Helena's shakey voice. Helena felt her cold see through face get hottter and hotter. "I'm going to cast a spell on you know. It will turn you back into your human form or your original form." Said Bentley. Helena closed her grey eyes as he cast the magic spell. As the magic force hit her body it felt as if every volt of pain was going through her. Suddenly she opened her now green eyes and felt alive again.
ParanormalHelena Vert is an average 15 year old in the rush and brush of life and high school drama. Helena, her mother (Elba Vert) and father (Thomas Vert) Live an apartment complex called West Coast Building's. Her apartment has a freak fire and her mother...