Chapter 5 true love

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Bentley rushed Helena to the e.r. as fast as he could. He didn't want it to be too late. When he struck the spell apon her it only lates for five days. It was day one and he was thinking 'Oh God...i lost her, i lost her, i lost her...' As soon as Bentley stepped foot in the e.r. they say Helena and took her back into a room immediately. They stitched Bentley's back up so his bleeding stopped. Bentley watched from the e.r. window. Helena was bleeding on a operating table with docters surrounding her. Bentley couldn't control his emotions, he broke down crying. "My God, this is all my falt....please don't take her away ....oh please don't..." Bentley whispered under his breath through tears. "Please stay Helena.. please stay." He said softly. Bentley couldn't take it, he had to walk away from the window. Helena's green eye's shot open and watched him walk away. " Aaaahhhhh....ugh God!!!" screamed Helena. She had awoken from the medicine the doctor's gave her. "What the hell....get more medicine she can't handle this much pain!!!" Screamed one doctor. The nurse ran out to find more medicine as fast as she could. After six brutle hours of waiting for a doctor to say something, Dr. Yukai came forth. "Well how is she?" Asked Bentley with much concern in his gorgeous brown eye's. " Well son, I am very glad to say your girlfriend is just fine." Said Dr. Yukai. 'Girlfriend..?' Thought Bentley. 'I like the sound of that.' Bentley smiled to him self. "Oh thank you so much docter... thank you!!" Shouted Bentley, happy to hear his lovely Helena was alright. "Would you like to come see her"? Asked Dr. Yukai. "Oh more then anything in the world!!" Replied Bentley. Dr. Yukai lead him back to Helena's room, and opened the door. Bentley walked in to find himself standing in front of an unconscious, pale Helena hooked up to i.v.'s. Her beautiful green eye's shut. "Helena is sleeping but she should wake up soon and you are welcome to stay." Spoke Dr. Yukai. "Thank you sir." Spoke Bentley. Dr. Yukai walked out of the white, curtained room leaving them alone. Bentley sat on the chair next to the bed and grabbed Helena's hand. His fingers intertwining with her's. "Helena, I am so sorry this has happened to you." Whispered Bentley. His lips curving to a frown and closing his sea of brown eye's, leaving tears to fall out of them. A tear drop fell on one of Helena's closed eye's. Helena's eye's twitched as she opened them. "No it's not your falt." Whispered Helena. " Helena, your awake!! How are you? Do you want me to get you something?" Shouted Bentley excitedly. " Bentley, Bentley, calm down..i'm just fine." Answered Helena giggling a little. The two talked for a little while longer until Dr. Yukai came in and tould Bentley visiting hours were over. "Bye for now Helena." Said Bentley. A frown approached Helena's lips. "Bentley please stay..." She asked. "I'm sorry i can't..but I will be back tomorrow." He replied. "Okay...oh and Bentley...I love you." Blushed Helena. She stared at her bed sheets. Bentley face went completely red. "I love you....too!" He admitted and ran out of the room. Helena smiled to herself. For she knew she had found her true love. A/N: Hi guys!! This was chapter five and i hope cha enjoyed!! ^-^ also look up please stay by: mayday parade. that's were i got my name from. please stay is an awesome song and mayday parade is my favorite band!! anyways look up that song i really thought it would fit this chapter good. anyways love ya lot's!! peace and love, pleasestay ^-^ ♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡

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