Chapter 3 Your beautiful

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Helena opened her green eye's. It felt amazing to be human again. "Well could I pass for a human?" She asked. When Helena transformed back into a human or her normal form, her hair fell out of it's ragged poneytail and her dress had fallen off of her.Prehaps because she hadn't eaten for a day and lost some pounds. Helena was still a very slender girl and not really curvey but she was beautiful. Bentley blushed and turned away. "Is something wrong?" Asked Helena. Helena hadn't noticed that when she transformed her dress fell off. All that was left on her was her lacey white bra and her pink silk panties. "Uh...y...your dr..dress fell and uh...." Bentley could not finish his sentence for he was too engaged in her prefect body. "What?" Helena looked down and covered herself. " Aaaahhhh turn away, turn away, turn away!!!!!!!" Helena madly blushed and Bentley fell to the ground shuting his eye's and covering them to let Helena know he wasn't looking. Helena ran behind a bush and pricked herself with one of the thorns. She forgot she was human again. Helena poped her head up behind the bush to find Bentley still covering his eye's. "You can look now." Helena called. Bentley slowly got up to find her head behind the bush. Bentley scratched the back of his head. "Uh sorry about that." He said. "Oh no. uh it's fine." Answered Helena. After ten minutes of staring at eachother with thoughtful gaze Helena murmured, "Do you think you can get me some clothes?" "Oh..." Bentley snapped out of the gaze, "Sure ugh...wait here." And with that he was off to get some clothes at a near by boutique. He ran in and found the smallest size of an amber strapless dress. Sence Helena was very small he thought the smallest size would fit her and he was right. Bentley ran back to the school and found Helena still behind the bush. "Helena!" He called out. "Here you are, I got something you could slip on quickly." And with that Helena pointed her finger out in the distance telling him to turn around. Bentley agreed. When Helena gave him the okay to turn around. He did. "Your beautiful." He said under his breath. "What was that?" Helena asked. "Oh nothing." Replied Bentley. He took her by the hand and off they went on their new adventure to find Helena peace. "um....i'm very sorry Bentley forgot to get me shoes..." Helena spoke. He looked down at her bare dirty feet and said. "Well let's go get ya some." He took her hand and Helena started to giggle like a child. Well they were on an adventure to find some shoes. A/N: hello guys. I am really enjoying writing this story! please write reveiws and comments. :) sorry this chapter was short but chapter 4 should be out in a couple of days. thanks hope you are enjoying it! love forever and always , pleasestay

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