Chapter 10: My  daughter!!!

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For a good minute or two, there was a long silence. "Repeat the again?" Rosa says. "You're whose daughter." "Ceil Phantomhives." "WHAT!!!!!" Rosa, Ceil, and I said in unison. While Sebastian gives an shocked but amusing smirk. Sam starts bursting out in laughter. "Hahaha who did you think my dad was?" Rosa responds "hmm I don't the undertaker, Claude hell I even thought it was bessy!" "Wait who's Claude?" Ceil inquired. "Nobody of your concern" I say. "Wait you thought Sebastian was my dad! Hahaha" she began to laugh even more. "O My God that's priceless wait till I tell my sister about this. Your faces are priceless." She said in between laughs. "Wait you have a sister too, is she with you?" Ceil asks. "Oh your in interested now. My I never would've thought my young master to care for people." Sebastian said amusingly. "Shut up." "As funny as this is we need to get to back to the subject at hand. How do we stop Jace and what did Ceil do to him to make him take revenge." I ask. Sam finally stops laughing and takes a seat in front of her dads desk. "Ok young ones time for story time!" " Aww great not again and who you calling young one I'm 15." Rosa exclaims. "I'm 16 and I honestly don't care what age you are, now shut your face and listen to the info I'm about to give you!" With that Rosa was left to silently curse to herself. "My father in the future was acquaintance with Jace as a young boy. He was an orphan like Ceil, with that being said I practically grew up with him." "So what does that have to do with you." Sebastian inquires "He was my boyfriend for a while" Sam answer sheepishly. "Anyways, when my dad was sent on a mission for the queen, he took Jace with him. They were to track and shut down a human sex trafficking gang. But then things went wrong, Jace was compromised. My dad couldn't save him in enough time, they tortured him and burned his body. We thought he died that night in the fire but it seems that we're wrong." When she finished her story she excused herself. The moment she left the room she started crying. I walk out and hear her sobs. "Are you ok?" She looks up at me with a sad smile "If my mother was here she would say 'it's unladylike for you to cry in front of others.' I never really cared if I showed weakness to strangers, but when it comes to my dad I refuse to cry." "You really are nothing like you mom. Lizzy would cry over any and everything." I say earning a laugh from the girl "That sounds like mom, I guess something's never change."

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