.... "You're my what!!!" I yell looking at this boy a if he dropped a Hiroshima bomb on me.
Sam was saying something but I cut her off "He said that he's-"
"I know what the hell he said Sam I'm not completely deaf just half. So Mr cousin of mine why are you telling me this?""I'm telling you this because Rosa is in trouble. My little brother Ethan has also infiltrated the cult and was sent by my mother to kill her."
"And how do we know your not lying to us?" Ceil asked eyeing the tall hottie up and down."You have my word. And to make you feel better I'll tell you the base he's using for the time being." Everyone looked at me and Ceil wondering if we had a plan. So I start forming one in my head. "Ok. Here's the deal Ceil, Sebastian, and I well go rescue Rosa and Grell. While we're doing that Sam and Lizzy will go with Ezra to go find the hideout of Ethan."
"And for safe keeping we're tying you up." Ceil said. "Yay I'm finally part of the shady shit!" Lizzy said happily but hurriedly slapped a hand over her mouth. "Damn Lizzy I see you. Go gurl."
~End of Time skip~"So here we are, to save you." Ceil said sarcastically "I totally feel the love there." Rosa says, she then turns to Sebastian "Well what are we waiting for let's rescue our red headed friend before they put him in something other than red."
And with that out group disbursed into two and headed our separate ways. Rosa and Sebastian off to rescue Grell, and Ceil and I to investigate the cinematic records.We arrived a little too late. "Shit the ceremony had already begun, what do we do now." I ask the short stature blue haired little boy.
"Why are you asking me you moron it's flipping obvious, we wait for the right opportunity." The man in the robe starts talking and he asks for a volunteer. I don't have patience, so I kick Ceil into the aisle. And boy you should've have seen the look on his face.
"You bitch! Why." He whispers loudly "Do it for the sake of the mission." I say smiling.
Some guards came and guided Ceil to the alter and this is where shit gets real.
Rosalie POV
"Grell. Grell. What prison cell are they keeping you in. Grell." I keep shouting the basted name and he doesn't respond, so I use the oldest trick in the book. "Sebastian is that you!" I yell
"Bessy where, where." Bingo "Oh my it's really you Sebastian.""What am I chopped liver. I came all the way down here to save your ass and this is what I get. You know what it doesn't matter. Bessy be a dear and open the door please." Rosa rants
"As you wish my lady. Though you might want to stand back a little." He then grabs the metal cell doors and pulls them of the hinge. "Oh thank you for saving me Bessy, Rose." Grell then tries to hug Sebastian but the demon dodges and Grell lands on the cold stone floor. "O bessy you coldness turns me on."
Rosalie just shakes her head, grabbing the reaper by the foot and drags him out the dungeon. "Now let's go provide back up to that little Twerp and Chibi -Chan."
When we made it to the sanctuary we immediately greeted with Angela holding Ceil and Izzy. "If only you hadn't pushed me into aisle we wouldn't be in this situation." Ceil yells at Izzy "Correction I kicked you and second of all if you didn't freak the fuck out when the priest asked for you hand I wouldn't have to expose us."
Fed up with our constant bickering Angela silenced us "Shut up both of you."
"Let them go!" I yell "Not a chance." (Bare with me readers I'm to lazy to got back and look at the actual dialogue.) with those word being spoken The Angel took my sister and her Best friend and disappeared.
*Huff* "Damn it"

Black roses
AcciónDisclaimer I do not own black butler Before u read checkout Saki163 After they travel to Jojo's bizarre adventures dimension Rosalina and Izzy are back at it again but this time in the world of black butler what crazy events will happen this time...