Glizzie the Sludgehog

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Due to the fact that Sonic Drive-In has copyrighted the word "S*nic," I am unable to use the word on it's own. Thank you for your understanding.

Jimin walked by his favorite coffee shop, Starcucks, and debated going inside. He thought about it and decided he just could not resist a steaming cup of Starcucks coffee.

When he walked in, it was relatively empty. There was no line and there were only a few people sitting around the shop. Jimin walked up to counter and greeted the barista.

Now, Jimin frequented this shop and this barista was almost always here. Jimin couldn't deny that he found the blue fur and green eyes of the barista rather attractive. The tenor voice as he asked for his order was music to his ears. Jimin was so lost in his green orbs that he almost forgot what he was there for.

"Hey, are you alright?" The beautiful barista asked, looking mildly concerned that Jimin had just spaced out right there like that.

"Y-yeah, I'll have an iced salted caramel mocha latte with whipped cream, light on the ice," Jimin muttered, "please."

"Same as always?" The barista teased.


Jimin waited as the barista made his drink. When it was ready, he thanked him and went to sit in the corner next to the window. Jimin looked out the foggy window and watch the rain pour down before pulling out his phone to scroll through Instagram. He saw all of his friends out doing stuff and whatever and Jimin was just in a coffee shop alone being sad for no reason.

Now, Jimin was planning to continue sitting in that coffee shop being sad and lonely when a shadow fell upon him. He looked up to see a certain barista hovering over him. Jimin could feel his face heating up.

"You mind if I sit here?" The barista asked, gesturing to the seat across from Jimin.

"Ah go ahead," Jimin replied.

"My shift just ended," he said, taking a seat, "I've seen you here quite a bit, I just haven't really had a moment to introduce myself." He said, "I'm Sonic the Hedgehog, and you?"

"Oh, I'm Jimin," Jimin said, looking literally everywhere except at Sonic the Hedgehog's lustrous, sapphire quills.

"Do you mind if I'm completely honest with you?" Sonic the Hedgehog asked Jimin.

Jimin shrugged, "yeah sure, I mean, I don't mind."

Honestly, what was the worst that this Sonic the Hedgehog guy could say? It's not like the two had known each other for very long. Jimin thought to himself.

"Honestly, man, if you were gay, I'd totally be down to fuck."

Jimin spit out his iced salted caramel mocha latte with whipped cream, light on the ice.

"W-wh-wh a t?" Jimin stuttered, completely flustered. Like what the actual fuck, Sonic the Hedgehog didn't even know him. How could he possibly want to fuck Jimin?

Was Jimin really that sexy?

"Sorry, I guess that was a bit forward," Sonic the Hedgehog looked to the side, scratching the back of his head.

"Y e a h," Jimin replied, "it really was."

There was an awkward silence.

"Wow I never thought that someone could think that I was actually sexy. How could Sonic the Hedgehog honestly believe I was fuckable after only seeing me a few times? Is my skin truly this luscious in the eyes of this hedgehog? Where his shining chocolate pools truly this appealing, his hands sultry enough to arouse this hedgehog? I never realized how come-hither my looks were, how voluptuous my body was. The fact that my appearance, my mere presence is this desirable and slinky. It's enough to send my ego up on a wild, never ending roller coaster crashing through the roof and up into the atmosphere going on and on. Honestly, I had never thought of myself as that attractive, but to think that someone like Sonic the Hedgehog would find me this hot. God, I really must be hot. I am hot. I am so hot, oh my god. I think I'm getting a little aroused just thinking about myself. Like honestly my looks are so tantalizing that if I weren't myself, I'd fuck myself. If another one of me was to walk up to me, I'd totally fuck me. Like honestly no one could ever be this fuckable. I'm surprised other people aren't jealous of my godlike looks, voluptuous figure, my plump ass, my fetishistic feet, my slick waist- just- how was I only now realizing how god damn sexy I am? I am the epitome of sexiness, the definition of beautiful, I am what you would find if you opened an encyclopedia to the word desirable, you would find me and only me all over the page. God I am just so hot." Jimin thought.

Glizzy the SludgehogWhere stories live. Discover now