~When he meets you~

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Your at the video game store getting a new video game, you pay for the game and walk out of the store and you get knocked over by a boy in a rush.

"Hey! Watch it!" You say

"I'm sorry....ummm." He says.

"Oh my name is (Y/N)." You say.

"Nice name, I'm Jay." He Says.

You blush, "Thanks, I have to go." You say getting up and helping him up .to and you see his electrifying blue eyes and his orange hair

"Ok, *he writes down his email* here's my email you should text me sometime." He said giving u a slip of paper and then he runs into the store.
You stare back then starts walking home.

Your walking home from a hard day at school you were bullied, and bruised then the same bullies and they start kicked your legs so you will fall on the ground then the strongest one picks you up by the shirt and is about to punch your face.

"You leave that girl alone!" He says.

The bully drops you and you limp away

"Oh yeah wanna fight?" The bully says while clenching his fist

"Oh yes I do, but you'll probably regret it." He says and flips up his black ninja mask, "NINJA-GO!" He does spinjitzu to beat up the bullies.

"RETREAT GUYS!" The bully commands and they run off

He helps you stand up and the first thing you see is his dirt brown eyes and raven black hair.

"T-thanks for helping me, my name is (Y/N)."

"No problem, That's a nice name, my name is Cole." He said.

Your legs kind of give out but He catches you and you smile

"I can help you home." He asks you

"That would be nice." You say while he picks you up to carry you home.

You run into the park and start crying by a tree and you get a text from your ex-boyfriend, Ryan (JUST GO WITH IT) {"Babe please give me another chance!"} he texted. {"no you Jerk, you cheated on me with Charlotte!!"} you texted. {"yeah I did but it was a huge mistake Babe!, she was the most beautiful girl I met"}he texted back. {"no! I do not want to hear you or see you ever again you b*tch!"}(sorry about my language it's the point of the matter that she was upset) you keep on crying then a voice starts talking to.

"Are you all right, why are you crying?" He said.

"M-my boyfriend B-broke up with me for another girl!"

"That's terrible, I'm Kai"

"I'm (Y/N)." You said as you look up and you see his spiked brown hair and firery eyes.

"That's a cute name!" He said smiling.

"Oh I have to go now." You say getting up.

"Wait, (Y/N) *writes phone number on a slip of paper* call me" he winks then walks away.

You blush and run home.

(Your a nindroid for this one)
Your mom asked you to get some Advil from the pharmacy and your coming out and going to cross the street and a truck is coming and your mind says to run across the street but your prossessor says to stay but the truck you brace for impact but, didn't hit you when you open your eyes you see a boy with bleached blonde hair and icy blue eyes saves you.

"Thank you, but my data--" you pause.

"Don't worry I have a database too! He says.

"Greetings I'm (Y/N)" you say

"That's a beautiful name, I'm Zane." He says and that makes you blush like crazy!

"Nice to meet you Zane I really should be going now, we can call on the telephone." You say.

"Yeah we can *hands a piece of paper to you* here's my number." He says and you both walk away in different directions.

You and your friends are at the mall and there is a candy shop and you and your friends are eating candy there and you go on a sugar high and your bouncing around and your friends are videotaping it then you bumb into a boy.

"Watch it!" You say

"I'm sorry!"he says

"No it's not your fault, it's mine." You say and you see his blonde hair and emerald green eyes.

"Hey! I'm Lloyd!" He says.

"I'm (Y/N)!, aren't you the golden ninja?"You say.

"Yeah I am!" He says.

Your friends are still videoing you and Lloyd.

"I should be going now." You say

"Ok, here is my phone number *gives you a piece of paper*."

You and your friends walk out of the candy store.

Ninjago boyfriend scenarios (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now