Chapter 4

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I bent down and snatched up my clothes while forcing my eyes to meet the blue ones across from me. Why can’t he just leave me alone? Haven’t I been punished enough by him?
I took a step back and was met by a loud snarl. The large white wolf across from me moved away from the shadows and to the edge of the river. I didn’t dare break eye contact long enough to put on my shirt. I kept my clothes to my chest wetting them slightly with the water that hadn’t dripped off. I took a deep breath trying to control my fear and let out a scream. I couldn’t outrun him and I couldn’t fight him off at least not without almost dying. So I screamed watching him flinch back in shock.
He suddenly realized my plan and snarled jumping into the river and starting to swim across. I turned on my heel and ran, my legs pumping as fast as I could make them. I threw my clothes to the side, jumping into the air and shifting into my wolf. My large light brown paw met the ground with a thud, but I didn’t slow. I wanted to look behind me, but that would slow me down and I couldn’t slow down.

The pad of my left front paw decided to kiss a rock, but the rock kissed back. Bloody footprints were being left in my wake only making it easier for him to find me. I made a sharp right just missing a tree and heard a loud crash behind me and a snarl accompanied it.
I ignored the pain in my paw, but couldn’t stop the slight limp in my step. He’d get me now there was no chance I’d outrun him and I could feel him gaining on me. I took another sharp turn to the right again, my front paw giving out from under me and I slid to the forest floor slamming my left flank into a tree. I tried to get up. I really did try, but the pain started overwhelming me and I couldn’t beat it.
“You shouldn’t have run from me baby girl,” his familiar deep voice rumbled.

I whined pitifully, the omega in me wanted to submit to let this male do what he wanted so I might be left alone. No! I will not be the victim again! I turned my whine into a snarl as he got closer to me baring my large white teeth to him.

“Bad girl, what happened to your need to please me?” He shook his head in disappointment.

I barked at him and snapped my jaws in a threatening manner, my hackles raised. He stared at me like I was crazy. Crazy for disobeying him and protecting myself.

“Shift back,” he put his foot against my side slowly adding pressure, “Shift back or I’ll break your ribs.”

I snarled again, but let the change come over me. Matthias smirked at my naked form.

“What do you want, Matthias?” I glared at him trying not to wince at the pain in my left hand. The stone hadn’t gone as deep as I had thought, but was still bleeding more than it should.

“You know what I want,” He snarled, “You’re mine. Enough of your attitude! You’re lucky I’m in a forgiving mood.”

I screamed again as he reached for me, taking his foot off my chest and grabbing my wounded hand, his thumb digging into the cut. He yanked me up my ribs stretching and pain streaking up my side. He dropped me to the ground, his cold blue eyes turning bright as his wolf rose to the surface. He turned away from me, baring his teeth in a snarl staring into the dark forest.

I watched and a dark brown wolf slowly walked out of the trees. He held his head up high and his tail was up in the air. He was huge taller than Matthias’s wolf by at least 4 inches. His eyes were a pale hazel that sent shivers down my spine. The strange male kept eye contact with me before breaking it to look at Matthias.

The angry blue-eyed creature snarled and lept at the other male. They fought in a dance of teeth and claws. In seconds that felt like minutes, the fight was over. The dark brown wolf had his jaws around Matthias’s throat.

I looked open-mouthed as the dark wolf showed mercy and let him go growling once in warning before releasing his hold on Matthias’s throat. How could he let that abusive male go with barely a scratch? He tortured me and twisted my mind till I felt sorry for every single thing I did that didn’t please him.

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